This adaptation retains the next to tone and widespread grounding of the prior two (THE Calendar OF WITCHES AND WITCHCRAFT, 1989 AND 1999). In better than 480 entries, psychic expert Guiley covers whichever long-ago witchcraft, such as the Salem witches,Santa Fe witches, and Stamford witches of the seventeenth century, and current issues and concerns. Topics such as eccentric types of witchcraft, fairies, folk magic, the occult, pagan practices, voodoo or vodun, spells, demons, charms, and magic circles are honestly particular. Similes of beliefs, and rituals interconnected to witchcraft, and biographies of fill with, whichever long-ago and fictional, living and dead (FOR Demand, ALEISTER CROWLEY, MORGAN LE FAY, MARGARET ALICE MURRAY, AND STARHAWK), are included. In addendum to updates of current biographies, this adaptation contains new Wicca-related material, as indicated by the addendum of the word Wicca to the label. Lacking lists of money up front reading, a celebrity of them simplified, comment innumerable of the entries. The epic bibliography has been prolonged and simplified as well. At hand a broader viewpoint than innumerable secret possessions on this fundamental resident, this ability is fitting to discard readers and researchers. --Susan Awe --
Download Sage Ellen Guiley's eBook: The Calendar Of Witches Witchcraft And Wicca
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