United Nations Celebrates Buddha Ny
Profound thought Quarterly Monastics heap on stand (phathoc.net)Profound thought Quarterly's spiritual agent, Ven. Karunananda, Ph.D. Abbot of Crave Beach's California Bodhi Vihara, addressed the UN General Building in May. Mr. Palitha Kohona was presiding, and hundreds of Buddhist monks and nuns were in empty. They participated in a traditional teach ("perahera") on the streets of New York exterior the UN marking the 2,600th feast of the Buddha's elucidation ("Buddha Jayanti"). Ven. Karunananda, Ph.D., abbot of Bodhi Business (Bangladeshi Theravada), Crave Seashore, CA (Namal2600) Covered future on Sri Lankan TV, the May 23, 2011 memorial began with an alms trek with various 200 monks and nuns of many nationalities clad in saffron robes walking compound blocks in New York City concerning Dag Hammerskjold Arrange. At hand virtuous Buddhists clad in white on hand alms harvest to the monastics. Almsround ("pindapata") is a tradition enthused by the Buddha and Buddhists for 26 centuries. Nuns genuine to calm down of time and Nobel Settlement Acclamation candidate Thich Nhat Hanh * "Guardian angel WARS" STEVE QUAYLE ON COASTTOCOASTAM.COM * PORTUGUESE BUDDHISM (ASSOCIACAO MEDITAR DE CUIABA) * THE World OF THE BUDDHA IN VIETNAMESE ARTThe feast of the Buddha's elucidation was commemorated in the US at the Associate Nations General Building for the beforehand time ever on May 16, 2011. The program was candid by the sly missions of Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Thailand, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Korea, Japan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and the Philippines. * SRI LANKAN Communication COVERAGE: Constituent I * Constituent II * Constituent III * Constituent IV * VIDEO: Unripe Buddha Mun cultural escapade