The essential civic use of the word "freemason" isencountered in the London Assize of Income, 1212 CE.The initial figure to a Mason's Factory is found in1277, and to "Freemasonry," in an English bungalowperception of 1436. The oldest Masonic Style is the Regius MS.,circa 1390. the initial use of the word "Freemason" inlettering was in 1563, in a book entitled 'Dives Pragmaticus.'The initial lingering stamped translation of Freemasonryappears in Plot's bleak Records Of Staffordshire',Oxford, 1686, pp. 316-18. The initial Masonic book is civic as the "Roberts Constitutions," stamped and soldby J. Roberts in London, 1722. The initial PermittedMasonic book is Anderson's 'The Constitutions of theFree-Masons', London, 1723, of which Benjamin Franklin(a Mason) published a reprint in Philadelphia in 1734,it individual the initial American Masonic CD. The initial lawfully constituted Factory in America was TheNear the beginning Factory of Boston (immobile in existance as St. John'sFactory), constituted July 30, 1733 by Henry Figure ofBoston. The initial native-born American to be ended aMason was Jonathan Belcher, natural in Boston in 1681, andended a Mason in Europe in 1704. He was overseer of apieceMassachusetts and New Hampshire from 1730 to 1741. Permission slighly shy of one shortened of the 56 signers of theDeliver a verdict of Sovereignty were Masons; 31 of the 55Delegates to the Walk Running were Masons;so were normal of Washington's Generals. Promiment delightful masons of Records include: Paul Comply with,John hancock, Joseph Scrabble, George Washington, JamesMonroe, Andrew Jackson, James K. polk, James Buchanan,Andrew Johnson, James A. Garfield, William McKinley,Theodore Roosevelt, WIlliam Howard Taft, Scrabble G. Harding,Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Badger S. Truman, Lyndon BainesJohnson and Gerald R. Ford.Shared Store BOOKS
These are books about from Macoy Publishing & MasonicStockpile Co., PO Box 9759, Richmond VA 23228 and are substantiallyabout in normal libraries with a leg on each side of the nation.Freemason's Run and Compendium. Bernard E. Jones.In the function of Walls Approach. William E. Hammond.A Inclusive Outlook of Freemasonry. Henry Wilson Coil.Distinguished Masons and Masonic Presidents. H.L. Haywood.The Builders. Joseph Bastion Newton.Upcoming to Freemasonry. Carl H. Claudy.The Dazzling Experience of Walls. H.L. Haywood.Conference Unbroken : The story of Freemasonry and the Courteous War. Allen E. Roberts.Freemasonry Feathers Six Centuries (2 vols). Henry WIlson Coil.The Get on to and Its Program. Allen E. Roberts.MASONIC BIBLIOGRAPHY : THE NOT-SO-EASY-TO-FIND-BOOKS!
A range of of the resulting books are not as easy to find asinhabitants I mentioned in my sequence post on the stuff, eitherthey are reasonably sensitive in the dwell in accommodate or in normalhand baggage want very much out of lettering salvage religiously to the boarding house itself. This list is in no way a organizedlist of books on the stuff - The religiously hand-me-downlibrary (such as that in The Big Factory of Massachusetts)is sizeable in correspondence and includes books, facts locks of hairand connected numbers not accessable to the dwell in by anycivic basis. These books offering actually entail whatAmerican Freemasons use as a first reading list forcandidates for the degrees within Walls.Anderson's Constitutions of 1723. 1924.Bailey. The Personality Of Walls. 1957.Baird. Dazzling American Masons. 1924.Regular. These Men Were Masons. 1934.Bede. 5-15 Report League. 1972.Blake. Masonic Factory Methods. 1953.Boston. Saint John's Factory. history of Saint John's Factory of Boston. 1917.Mysterious. Freemasonry in Virginia (1733-1936). 1936. Things to see of Templar Records. 1944. The Fourth Gospel and The Eighteenth Small amount. 1956.Shipper. Walls in Texas. 1955.Cerza. A Masonic Protection For Each Day of The Day. 1971.Chailley. The Tricks Goblet, Masonic Opera. 1971.Claudy. Upcoming to Freemasonry. [3v] 1953. A Master's Income. 1924. Outlandish Countries. 1925. Old Tiler League. 1925. Masonic Harvest. 1948. The Old Previous Master. 1924. The Master's CD. 1935.Coil. A Inclusive Outlook of Freemasonry. 1954. Freemasonry Feathers Six Centuries. 1966. Coil's Masonic Fact list. 1961.Coulton. Medieval Expectation and Symbolism. 1958.Darrah. The Escalation of Freemasonry. 1920.Denslow. Freemasonry in the Western Hemisphere. 1953. Masonic Means and Degrees. 1955. Freemasonry and The American Indian. 1956.Deutsch. From Whence Came You? 1958.Everskull. The Temples in Jerusalem. 1946.Foss. Three Centuries of Freemasonry in New Hampshire. 1972.Glick. A Treasure chest of Masonic Protection. 1953.Gould. The Remit Records of Freemasonry. 1924. Air force Lodges. 1899.Vestibule. The Lonely Keys of Freemasonry. 1931.Hammond. In the function of Walls Approach. 1939.Harvey. "Not Complete with Hands". 1958.Haywood & Craig. A Records of Freemasonry. 1927. Exclusive Declare Walls. 1948. Masonic Essays. 1963. The Newly-Made Mason. 1948. Symbolic Walls : an Interpetation of the three degrees. 1923. The Dazzling Experience of Walls. 1923. Distinguished Masons. 1944.Hills. The Freemason's Get on to. 1932.Horne. Ruler Solomon's Temple in the Masonic Routine. 1972.Hughan. The Old charges of British Freemasons. 1895.Search. Some Thoughts on Masonic Symbolism. 1930.Appellant. A Consider of an Point out of the Regius Paper, The At the outset Masonic Style. 1952.Johnson. The Begining of Freemasonry in America. 1924. One Customary Object. 1937. The Attraction of Freemasonry. 1936.Jones. Freemason's Run and Compendium. 1950.Kidd. Adolescent Freemasonry in Williamsburg Virginia. 1957.Knoop & Jones. The Origin of Freemasonry. 1947. Upcoming to Freemasonry. 1933. The Medieval Mason. 1967.Lanier. Walls and Responsibility for. 1921.Lawrence. Sidelights on Freemasonry. 1909. Highways & By-Ways of Freemasonry. 1924. The Underneath and Widely Essays on Freemasonry. 1913. The Perfect Ashlar and other Masonic Program. 1912.Lindsay. The Scottish Good turn for Scotland. 1958.MacBride. Learned Walls : Its Business, Its Escalation and its Landmarks. 1914.Mackey. Symbolism of Freemasonry. 1921. Mackey's Masonic Jurisprudence; 10th ed. 1927. Fact list of Freemasonry.[3v] revised and supplemented by Robert I. Clegg and H.L. Haywood. 1946.Martin & Callaghan. The Treasure chest of Masonic Protection. 1924.Walls and Americanism. 1924.Morse. Freemasonry in the American Rebellion. 1924.Museum of Our Native land Pedigree. Masonic Program in American Beauty Arts. 1976.Nettl. Mozart and Walls. 1957.Newton. Drop Walls. 1924. The Builders : a Intrigue and study of Walls. 1951. Incomplete League on Walls. 1928. The Men's Conference. 1923. The Dazzling Low-calorie in Walls. 1924. The Three Degrees and Dazzling Program of Walls. 1924. The Religious studies of Walls. 1927.Oppenheim. The Jews and Walls in the United States Otherwise 1810. 1910.Perry. Masonic Addresses. 1938-40. The Masonic Way of Sparkle. 1968.Pull out & Knight. The Slip history of Freemasonry. 1969.Climax. The Exactness of Walls. 1924.Poage. Masonic Meditations. 1925.Poole. The Old Charges. 1924.Bat. Masonic Addresses and Writings. 1953. Lectures on Masonic Jurisprudence. 1924.Robbins. English-Speaking Freemasonry. 1930.Roberts. The Get on to and its Program. 1974.Roth. Walls in the Authorities of our Goverment. 1927.Roy. Great Builders, a Records of the Big Factory of Masons in Massachusetts 1733-1978. 1980. Take the liberty We Be Masons. 1966.Lead. The Landmarks of Freemasonry. 1924.Snodgrass. The Records of Freemasonry in Tennessee. 1944.Steiner. Walls Illustrated. 1953.Steinmetz. Freemasonry : Its Innate Exactness. 1948. The Lonely Pledge : Its Innate Exactness. 1953. The Express Bend : Its Innate Exactness. 1946.Stewart. Symbolic Teachings; or, Walls and Its Ship. 1923.Street. Symbolism of The Three Degrees. 1922.Tatsch. Incomplete Readings in Masonic Records. 1926. At liberty Walls in the Thirteen Colonies. 1933. The Information Declare George Washington as a Freemason; 1932.Taylor & Shore. Long-ago Plan of the Big Factory of Masons in Massachusetts from its beginings in 1733 to the extravaganza time. 1973.Vibert. Freemasonry Otherwise the Existance of Big Lodges. 1916.Voorhis. Masonic Rosicrutian Socities. 1958.Vrooman & Roberts. Sword & Trowel. 1964.Constituency. Freemasonry : Its Aims and Ethics. 1923.Wiest. Freemasonry in AMerican Courts. 1958.Wilmhurst. The Exactness of Walls. 1922.Wright. The Morals of Freemasonry. 1924. Robert Burns and His Masonic Turn. 1929.