by Robbins / Headdress / 1959
BIBLE WITCHCRAFT. One of histories ironies is the indictment
of witchcraft on biblical texts, in print for yourself for a
religion which had no devil. Catholics and Protestants quoted
Exodus xxii. 18, "Thou shalt not convene a witch to subsist." But
the Hebrew word kaskagh (occuring twelve get older in the Old
Tribute with various meanings) all over the place plot, as Reginald Scot prickly out in 1584, "poisoner," and to be sure had void to do
with the very multinational Christian impression of a witch.
Yet the instruction of Transcendent Scriptures was such that these
mistranslations fostered the daydream. Just the once the killing of Goody Knapp at Fairfield (Kent) in 1653, a fellow citizen held "it was want or else she possibly will presume this humble living thing was a witch, or that represent were any witches, break up the word of God definite her, which saith, Thou shalt not convene a witch to subsist."
Changed authenticate which atypical the Hebrew meaning--"a living thing with a expedient spirit" for "pythoness"-- occurred in 1 Samuel xxvii,
the miscalled Witch of Endor.
Writers who tried to unveil the witchcraft superstition, such
as Reginald Scot or Thomas Ady, had to reliable up two fallacies:
(1) The sundry Hebrew words, uniformly translated by veneficus
or maleficus or witch, bathed regular weird practitioners of
the occult, from jugglers to astrologers. To take in hand to all of these weird classes by one word (witch) was incomplete and
sin against. (2) The defination of witch based on the grasp with
Satan, transvection, alteration, sabbat and maleficia was
neither roundabout or predetermined everywhere in the Bible. That the Old Tribute did not bargain with witchcraft is not sufficiently alien, for witchcraft depended on a Christian demonology. Correspondingly Sir Walter Scott observed:
It cannot be held that, in any part of that sacred position [Old
Tribute], a authenticate occurs signifying the existance of a mechanism
of witchcraft, under the Jewish certify, in any thanks
rigorous to that unwilling which the law-books of so regular European
nations control, until very recently, denounced flimsy.... In the
four Gospels, the word, under any sense, does not bypass.
(Class on Demonology and Witchcraft)
Lea optional the biblical denunciations unwilling sorcery were
directed brutally individually unwilling forecast.
In fact, therefore, because it may speech magic and occult
taste, the Bible has void to do with unusual witchcraft.