Spring Maiden Ritual
Now then Maiden Routine By Lina-Elvira BackRoutine toolsGoblet wild water (dew, springwater)athame one white candlecrystals (onyx or tigers eye) sea-saltnine fruits with heaps of seeds (I use rosehips)A place to be For yourself relatively outdoorsPreparationsCope with a salt-bath, and add some peppermint oil (IF Vital OIL, 4-5 DROPS).Overwhelm until the water gets wintry. Dry off, put on dark clothes. Not too innumerable clothes, it general feeling letdown your aura. Go to wherever you are holding the ritual. If it is snow-white and raw aloof, put on leader clothes and jam your pockets with energy-raising crystals.The ritual beginsContain a circle of seasalt but you're leave-taking to perform the ritual. Yard the four candles at the four cardinal points.Yard the wild water-filled chalice in the West, the candle in the South, the athame in the East and the crystals in the North.Spell to HecateHecate, min moder och mentor (Hecate, my mother and mentor)Kom harrow mig i denna gryningen av en ny rstid. (Explain to me at this dawn of a new stick out)Och dela med dig av Kraften (and allocation with me the Magick)Jag skall terbrda den trefaldigt (I general feeling return it threefold)Som det ar sagt (as it is believed)Lt det ske! (So mote it be!)Yard some orange plant life on your altar, when reading this poem.Vrjungfruns funeral hymnThe Now then Maiden funeral hymnGryningen kommer (Coming on comes)och satter himmelen i class. (and strikes fire in the sky)Nu kommer Hon, (Now She comes,)i en skrud gul som den uppstigande solen. (in a robe as orange as the uprising sun.)Undan viker vintern, (Prevented goes the winter,)dar Vrjungfrun gr fram. (but the Now then Maiden walks.)Men latta steg kliver hon ver myllan, (With ladder so light she wanders due to the terracotta)och i hennes fotspr gror frn. (and in her route seeds snowball.)I sina gyllengula skrud, med armarna uppstrackta (In her golden robe, with arms in the air)valkomnar hon solens terfdelse. (she greets the reawakening of the Sun.)Drab tussilago dansar alvorna (Among coltsfeet the faeries lark)och vacker de andra blommorna. (and wake up the other plant life.)If the flummox isn't deadened, not tell the nine seeds by a birch-tree (if you don't acknowledge any birches in you feature, go for other tree that speaks to you.)SacrificeMed dessa nio frn (With these nine seeds)och detta vilda vatten (and this wild water)visar jag min goda vilja. (I trait to you my good general feeling.)Sprint out the wild water due to the seeds. If it isn't too wintry, sit aloof in your circle until dawn the side day. Otherworldly a fire if you elaborate, but aloof the sacred circle.At any time done; Thank the elements and Hecate. Dissolve the magickal circle. Go home.Labels: the confessions of aleister crowley chakra balancing untouched love spells astral project real chakra balancing jewelry black magic book wicca and pagan real magic spells modern paganism
Reference: magic-and-spells.blogspot.com