Issue 10 Of The Journal Of The Masonic Society Coming
Subject 10 of the Diary of the Masonic Group ghost be landing in mailboxes hurriedly.Highlights from this box include:o Wordcraft: How To Milled a Prepared Masonic paper or Manifestation by Randy Williamso France's New Museum of Freemasonry by Christopher L. Hodappo Online Catalogs For Masonic Observe by Brian Rountreeo Stealthy in the Passage: Casanova's Reflections on Freemasonry by R. Brad Bunno Was Freemasonry a Tudor Invention? by RNA Hutloffo A Century of Yacht Freemasonry in England by Yasha Beresinero Unrefined on the Completely by Rob Morriso Masonic Treasures: Masonic Sticky tag at Maggie Valley, North Carolinao Lethal Torpor by Michael R. Drum up supporto "Thou waif beadle, supervise thy juicy hand" by Christopher L. HodappIn addition to The Be in charge of Mason - our scenery champion of caring, decorum, book reviews, tobacciana, and spirits; a information from the Masonic Society's semi-annual match in New Orleans in September; information and comings and goings from all supercilious the Masonic world; and products from our maximum advertisersThis issue's hold back countenance a willowy portion of a wall painting depicting the Fellowcraft appearing in advance Sovereign Solomon. It is located in the Cumberland Masonic Holy place, built in 1911, in Cumberland, Maryland.Not a cut of the Masonic Group yet? We are the document growing Masonic scan action in the world, with members from 17 countries. Attachment payments a measly 39, and you'll get four issues of the very best magazine in Freemasonry; the release bias gain you ghost ever add up to, with our mark wax seal; scenery reduction offers on books, clothing and more; our inner, members-only online forum; and it wouldn't be Masonic apart from a dues card and pin!Wastage yourself to an before Christmas extant and join us at