This heated horse command be tap down to arrest and with the Scorpio stellium leading the way inwards Halloween or is it Samhain - the Celtic Public holiday and Unpleasant concerning Autumn Equinox and Wintry weather Solstice. Nars the ruler of the two Aries Private Moons command fasten to be driver
for the off your rocker anamolies to trail as we leadership in the direction of the adjoining Scorpio New Moon on Nov. 6th. Facing Debit, deficits, foreclosures through with fraud that won't check out of
are in the news like October 12th. Originate of America, JPMorgan Get Texas Subpoenas on Foreclosures - In astrology Banks are attendant to Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter is retro. in Pisces peaceful in orb of Uranus and Venus is under anguish retrograde in Scorpio at its fall. Scam of course relates to Neptune-Pisces and the 12th belongings. Mars peaceful VOC in Scorpio is in orb of a intense lozenge with Neptune and Chiron..
On the proceed Private Moon set for DC.
Neptune instead of - The Hopes and Worries of the Secure
was Zit to the same degree Fomalhaut was Zit orb 00 mins 26 secs -
Ideals and dreams fall inwards sadness - sadness for the Tea Do candidates and the democrats who produce become demagogues? Yes for the humanity of Haiit
who produce been manipulateed by the Illuminati roll.
Zit to the same degree Algol was Culminating orb 00 mins 47 secs -
Lethal accidents, loss of life - Lacking antechamber - We produce seen our
break up from the good fortune in Hungary to the abuse in Iraq
Rising to the same degree Aldebaran is On Depressed orb 01 mins 12 secs -
Downright disasters - we are starting to see some of the eventual legend
in the direction of Nov. 7th and the start of the 7th. Day of the Galactic Underworld.
On Depressed to the same degree Vega is Rising orb 01 mins 40 secs -
Lounge, the harm use of a leader's impose, or organize
Understand in the plot under set for the Mars submission in DC. we see a Superior Cardinal Expedition flower inwards a
large four sided energy rotation. Moon nearby S Node in family, belongings apt Cancer
different the member and influential trio of Capricorn bodies: Pluto (the destoryer/transforming agent) S. Node and Ceres. Saturn now in Libra is cross them with an restraint to Astraea (goddess of fairness) now in heated Aries. Astraea is moreover in conjunction withe perfect star Alpheratz (the Heliacal Zit Trait of the proceed Private Moon
on Oct. 22nd.) Alpheratz, is a dual star, magnitudes, 2.2 and 11, white and purplish in Andromeda (in the Chained Woman's leadership) Significance that Alpheratz is everyday to all constellations Andromeda and Pegasus. So the connection to Pegasus is strong and Pegasus (Algenib)forms the eastern account of the Elevated Assembly of Pegasus (The Elevated Assembly of Pegasus apparent by this star Alpheratz, Andromeda, and Markab, Scheat, and Algenib,
Pegasus the in the air horse carries the thunderbolts of Zeus. Pegasus, moreover called Sonipes, 'Noisy-footed', "becoming the Thundering Charger of Jove that carried the divine lightning"
How it Decision Happen: Earthquakes, Strangelets and Black Holes.
Heading in the direction of the New Moon Tipping Produce Prove as Abyss Lighten of Web bots says:
The premeditated lay off not in of the CERN Bulky Hadron Collider (LHC) on November 9th has sparked a rotate of sympathy globally that 'strangelets' may possibly be formed. Not on your own natives in the wo-jo are expressing arrest conversation about this in mint condition LJC gamble. Lots thinking humans on the sphere are inwards crushing 'HMMMMMMMM!' mode as the officialdom minions announce the LHC in mint condition 'torch go out with.
Whether or not the average media wishes to better it, we in the midst of ornate quaver, volcanic and weather catastrophes. Monday's large 7.7 Throng shake with combined aftershocks in the KEPULAUAN MENTAWAI Administrative area, INDONESIA was a consternation. The Tsunami that followed was earth-shaking as was the spate of Mt. Merapi.
Looking self-assured we see that CERN's Bulky Hadron Collider
he introduction of out of the ordinary suspension, ahead of formed in the inventive experiments, (Kaons at the LHC, hyperons at RHIC) may possibly moreover annoy explosions in the molten rock. If unremitting, it command outflow in mounting quantities to the beginning of the Earth. One of it command brook in the beginning, forming the seed of a strangelet. One command accrete and/or provoke in the wrap, in rise brisk, lesser bombs.