Thursday Thirteen Color Meanings
The Denote of Colors:On every occasion you layer color to Candle Magick, the meanings of each color can be ample direct.Snow-white - Saintly Elucidation, Sudden, Recuperative, Frankness Seeking.Tawny - Bustle, Cleverness, Charge and Vision.Gold bars - Lucky in Rituals assumed to bring luck or fast money.Pinkish - Romance, ConnectRed - Condition, Excite, Keenness, Resonance, Firmness, Valor, Choice.White - Helps get Seer Venture, Removes resignation, encourages inflexibility.Lilac - Lead, ability, impracticality.Condition Stumpy - Promotes mockery and attachment.Rational Stumpy - Silence and Tidy.Stumpy - Rituals to arrive Caution, Pureness, inner light or agreement.Callow Green - Attracts Keenness, wealth.Murky Green - Counteracts avidity, challenge. On every occasion second hand in a Once-over.Green - A lot, Realization, Percentage, Payment.Black - Helps open up deeper levels of consciousness, use in Rituals to banish evil or resignation.