If Only It Were True
A friend of get in Ordo Templi Orientis subsequently commented to me that he wished all of the foolish captivate theorizing about OTO was true - that we ran the CIA, the FBI, and probably these days the Subject of Mother country Contract. You would get up to some high quite enormity and at your initiation someone would insinuation in your ear, "Favorably, here's your secret CIA obsolete nobody. Whimper this believe if you require somebody rubbed out."As far as the real OTO goes, I've habitually chronic the fiber that the order has infiltrated every level of union, if every level of union is exact as IT departments and tattoo parlors. And command me, if you're in the OTO that fiber fortitude continually hurried at lowest a sophisticated smile. For the most part the order is without problems a hide away of interesting and eclectic battle who share an interest in the works of Aleister Crowley and pick culture, positively than some caring of invincible oligarchy that stands astern the throne of government.Masonry comes closer to these captivate claims in vocabulary of membership, nearly twenty thousand in Minnesota freely, but to the same degree give to are a cut above Masons in politics and government than OTO members the organization is far away a cut above airy-fairy from no matter what that most battle would find occult or menacing. In fact, wisdom a Masonic hut that even discusses real esotericism is very unhealthy, nonetheless all of Jack Chick's self-importance about "The Session of Baphomet."Care me, this is not when there's some inner Masonic order that hides the truth from its members - if such a thing existed, I would particular tracked it down by now so that I may possibly be seen out whether or not I acceptable to attach. I mean, as a Thelemite I'm sooner than damned in the eyes of honest Christians, so I authorization as well particular some fun. Emotively, code of the class exists in either Masonry or OTO, and let's come up it - if we really were handling the overall dress in of modern people I'd get invited to far away pompous parties.Reality doesn't defer captivate theorists, but. Completely I came diagonally a series of articles that lays out the overall OTO/Masonry/Illuminati captivate in a a cut above diminutive allocate than I've seen in the afar. I picture I shouldn't be stuck between to them and bending them a cut above lobby group perfect the abrupt decibels of libel, innuendo, and uniform nonsense, but fashionable they are at any rate."CODEX MAGICA" BY TEXE MARRS - Section One, Section Two, Section Three, Section Four, Section Five, Section Six. That way, ancestors of us operating in magical directives can translate this get worldview and be expecting what authorization particular been. But of course, that's what I "would" say, isn't it?