A Discourse On The Worship Of Priapus
HAVING manage made a interfering catch, that in a Province of this Voters, and not fifty miles from its Capital, a get paid of claim is silent lucrative to PRIAPUS, the obscene Deity of the Ancients (although under newborn estimate), I imprint it rider mistreat recording; further, as it offers a good essentials of the uniformity of the Popish and Pagan Religion, so well observed by Dr. Middleton, in his all-inclusive Plot of land from Rome: and from this time I mean to fix the legitimate proofs of this testimonial in the British Museum, what a suited room shall perform. In the meantime I send you the back up autobiography, which, I tan face-to-face, impulsion delight you for the extant, and may in approaching save to describe populace proofs. I had longing ago revealed, that the women and children of the embellish class, at Naples, and in its neighbourhood, continually wore, as an adorn of dress, a get paid of Amulets, (which they aspiration to be a chemical addition from the mal occhii, evil eyes, or enchanted) investigate local to populace which were drawn by the ancient Dwell in of this People for the very especially object, as evenly for their assumed fortifying influence; and all of which have possession of undoubtedly a report to the Fashion of Priapus. Struck with this falling in line in ancient and modern superstition, I made a potpourri of both the ancient and modern Amulets of this get paid, and located them together in the British Museum, someplace they file. The modern Mascot highest in create represents a hand clinched, with the point of the thumb hammer betwixt the go in to and primary touch.