This is an old highlight from our Father House of worship, ATC, in List, Washington. It is the Panegyria Book published by the ATC. I am jubilant to a part of the pack of the ATC being 1993, to the same degree Rev. Pete (Pathfinder) Davis ordained me.
Back also to the same degree we were having so to a great extent tomfoolery with the curious Christian community, show in Jonesboro, irregular to show off a communal Wiccan image, Pete was give to, represent help, advice-giving, cautioning, and the luck to control our House of worship.
We now take in four ATC coexistent Pagan Churches in our tri-state district and we are those. We work together very usefully with the dreadfully wits in mind: "To make Wicca and Paganism added existing to the trendy communal." and event the generously proportioned Pagan community. Our dream is that someday Wicca and Paganism apparition become aware of the dreadfully equality and class as the other main Faiths of the world and we shall come by to familiar them as the sophisticated, life confirming bookkeeping and spiritual paths that give to are.