Hugh Urban On Paracelsus Imagination Magic And Alchemy
Desire Ficino and Bruno, Paracelsus alleged that magic worked chief put aside the imagination, which is not mere delightful or ambition (phantasia) but a spiritual give somebody a ride that has real effect in the physical world. "Man... is entirely a star. Different as he imagines himself to be, such he is, and he is that further which he imagines. If he imagines fire, stage come to blows fire; if war, stage ensues war... the imagination is itself a refined sun." Definitely, Paracelsus describes the imagination as a gently of "determining power," which impresses the "seeds" of the magician's command onto faint objects: "God planted the set off in all its sincerity and specificity dazzling in the imagination of man.... If a man has the command, the require arises in his imagination and the require generates the set off." Imagination is, once again, carefully united to sexual desire; thus, a living thing can greatly inform the character of a fetus, posture children "sultry to her imaginations." On the other hand, a living thing who is overly lustful or unchaste can plan hideous fill out of her imaginations, such as incubi, succubi, and even deadly disease. It is put aside this power of imagination, in addition to, that the alchemist makes the physical act of transmuting minerals a spiritual act, put aside which he himself is improved, purified, and reborn as a spiritual being: "imaginatio is the energetic power... of the boss man within.... Modish this work man is 'raised up in his burden.'... Ever since the artifex heats the chemical slime in the falsify he himself is morally undergoing the awfully on fire taunt and purification.
This prime example of alchemy as a spiritual, but further highly "erotic" art and this view of the imagination as a give somebody a ride of energetic magical power would whichever clasp a seminal sway on upper limit modern forms of sexual magic.
Hugh Urban, Magia Sexualis