Magickal Paper Wind Chimes Tutorial
to possess a protection spell or intentions open in the light windI found this in an old disc of vision but no tutorial and googling the internet with no luck so As well as Vadora's help we possess finished how to make this and its Positively easy Definite free paperFishing line or Floral wireWooden Beads FeathersFeng shui money these are lucky chinese money you can use other money if you wishWax Keep a record ( Secondary rearrange you do not craving to do this if the light wind resemblance is for at home )Tree Rupture, a Measure or a sheet of Jetsam for the papers to be attached to to proposeDirectivesObserve spells, good intentions,sayings, protection symbols, runes but I would be included you can easily decoupage your love sayings ( or even names of treasured ones) love quotes, doesn't matter what you wish on the paperyou may well what's more buy prayer scrolls by Azuregreen sells them. *OPTIONAL Jump ONLY* if the light wind resemblance is for uninvolved use, using a hair dryer and the wax paper, sleeve what's more sides of each sheet of paperyou yearn for to sleeve the paper so its verification and preserved you yearn for to hold the wax layer onto the paperLean the paper into a tube sheet the top with a infinitesimal hole and run the fishing line ready,tie into a shake and run thru a pompous reduction and make a shake. Join Fur and feng shui money if desirable. Join the govern to a the Branch/ Dowelthen propose up and usage.