Gods And Godesses
GODDESSES Aer: Wales. Divinity of war and revenge. Divinity of the Torrent Dee.Aine: Ireland. Moon Divinity and patroness of crops and keep. Equivalent with the Summer Solstice.Andraste: Britain. A war and soul Divinity. Equivalent with the hare And Ostara.Anu/ Dana/Dana-Ana: Ireland. Father Divinity, Utmost of all Goddesses. Divinity of masses.Maiden aspect of the triple Divinity, formed with Goddesses macha and Badb.Aphrodite: Greek; Divinity of fanatical, sexual love. Aphrodite will improve you in pulling shut up shop energy towards yourself.Aradia: Italian: Sovereign of the Witches, young person of Diana. Aradia is an brim powerful original and a protectress of Witches in resident.Arianrhod: Welsh; Divinity of the stars and resurrection. Drop a line to on Arianrhod to help with afterward life musing and difficulties as well as for contacting the Star Populace.Artemis: Greek; Divinity of the Moon.Astarte: Greek; Intensity Divinity. Whether you wish to control children or carry a incredible garden, Astarte will improve in your operate.Athena: Greek; Wrestler Divinity and Protectress. One flexible you a hoarse time at work? Drop a line to on Athena to help you.Badbh: Ireland, Gaul. In Gaul familiar as Cauth Bodva. War Divinity. Splash of the triple Divinity aspect with Anu and Macha. Asscoaited with cauldrons, ravens, life and wisdom.Bast: Egyptian; Divinity of Guard and Cats. Bast is strong for dexterity travel as well as walking down a dark footpath. Drop a line to on her soul in the form of a wide panther to see you nonstop to your destination.Blodwin/ Blanchflor: Wales,Gaul. Divinity of the earth in crispness. Equivalent with plants,owls and ceremonies. Divinity of initiation ceremonies.Brigantia: Britain. Divinity of pastures and rivers. Equivalent with Imbolc.Brigid: Celtic; Wrestler Divinity and Protectress and Preserver. Brigid is exceedingly a Triple Divinity. She is strong and sensible. Drop a line to on her to help protect your children in a well-built pencil case. Chant to Brigid.Caillech Beine Bric/ Scota: Scotland. Destroyer Divinity of the Criminal world. The name for Scotland comes from her( being name was Caledonia)Ceres: Roman; Divinity of the Garner.Cerridwen: Welsh; Moon and Garner Divinity and Divinity of soul. Divinity of the Criminal world and the cauldron of suggest.Demeter: Greed; Delve Father stereotype. Swell up Divinity everyplace birthing or near to the ground children are attracted.Diana: Roman; Moon Divinity and Divinity of the See. Diana is profuse faceted. She is a seductress (as she make-believe her brother Lucifer to transport Aradia in the form of a cat) as well as a mother passage for Witches. Chant to Diana.Dryads: Greek; female spirits of the plants.Flora: Roman; Divinity of Fortunate and Ecological. For minute plants, babyish, and all bounties of Delve Father.Fortuna: Roman; Divinity of Accidental.Freys: Scandinavian; Moon Divinity and wife/lover of Odin. Moreover chief of the Valkyries.Hathor: Egyptian; Protectress of Women in Group. A Hathor's Ponder is very significant for the Witch. Hathor was cunning as well as minute.Hecate: Egyptian; Moon Divinity as in Crone or Cloudiness Father.Hera: Greek; Divinity of Marriage. If hand fasting or some type of confidence is the pencil case, Hera is the Divinity to option. Right venerate that she has a unmoved next.Hestia: Greek; Divinity of Private residence and Fireside. Back-to-back a address, remodelling, or studio hunting. Safety in the home and abode unit.Inanna: Sumerian; Divinity fashion of the Father.Isis: Egyptian; represents the Organize Divinity or the Triple Divinity. Chant to Isis.Kali: Hindu; Creative/Destructive Divinity. Protectress of abused women. Kali-Ma penury be called if a female is in instability of physical danger. Her power is essentially amazing.Lilith: Hebrew; Adam's initial husband and assumed to be turned inwards a demoness.Macha: Ireland. Father of life and death. A war Divinity. Equivalent with ravens and crows. Dominates males with sexual cunning and ambition. She was honoured at Lughnassadh.Maat: Egyptian; Divinity of Lawfulness and Foretell Demand. Maat is the true amount of any pencil case. She the stage no favourites and will send honesty to all parties attracted. Be secure your own criticize is clean in the pencil case upfront you crash her.Morgan: Ireland, Wales, Britain; Crone aspect of the triple Divinity. Divinity of War, magick, archenemy and death.. She was exceedingly doubled with The Aristocrat of the Pond. Equivalent with ravens,crows,form jerky, magick,hallucination,wisdom,war,calmness and night. It is Morgan who qualified Merlin his magick Patroness of priestesses and witches.Morgan Le Fay: Welsh. Bereavement Divinity. Glamorgan in Wales is her sacred ground.Muses: Greek; Divinity of Idea who tone down in size depending upon the pantheon hand-me-down.Nephtys: Egyptian; Divinity of Surprises, Sisters and Midwives.Norns: Celtic; the three sisters of the Wyrd. Accountable for weaving fate- afterward, present and vanguard.Nuit: Egyptian; Sky Father. Regularly seen depicted in disk-shaped mold cradling the stars.Persephone: Greek; Divinity of the Criminal world as well as Garner. Youngster of Demeter.Rhiannon: Wales. Divinity of nature and horses. She rides a white foal. Divinity of the Criminal world.Selene: Greek; Divinity of the Moon and Solutions. Impel to Selene to bring a logical rush back to any nuisance.Valkyries: Scandinavian; women warriors who carried the souls of men slain in warfare to fantasy.Venus: Roman; Divinity of Cordiality and Romance.Vesta: Roman; Divinity of Develop.GODSAdonis: Greek; hobnob of Aphrodite. Moreover poles apart name for "Peer of the realm." In Phoenician his go with is Astarte. A grass God. Roman go with is Venus.Amaethon: Wales. God of encouragement.Anubis: Egyptian; guard of Isis. Jackal-Headed God of Guard. Drop a line to on hem to protect moreover home and appeal.Apollo: Greek and Roman; clone brother of Artemis. God of the Sun, Unremarkable and the Arts.Apsu: Babylonian; his friend is Tiamat.Bel/Bile/Belenus: Ireland. Sun and fire God. Equivalent with fire,sun, decontamination,victory,crops,wealth and keep. Seen in the local holiday of Beltane.Bran: Wales. The wide. God of hallucination,the arts,leaders,war,music and verbal skill. Equivalent with ravens.Camulos - Britain,Gaul. War GodCernunnos: Celtic; Horned God and hobnob of the Aristocrat. God of Foundation. Moreover called Herne The Tail. He represents the darker aspects of soul.Eros: Greek; God of Romance and Fiery Cordiality.Environmentalist Man: God of nature: The male spirit of soul, life and augment. The Environmentalist ManHerne The Hunter: Britain. The dark lord. God of the go behind, unsettled animals, and forests. Equivalent with the Gods, Cernunnos and Gwynn ap Nudd.Horus: Egyptian; Head of a Falcon and character of a man. God of the all-seeing eye and healing.Hymen: Greek; God of Marriage and Commitment. His go with is Dionysus.Kai: Wales. A fire and smithing God.Lucifer: Italian: Moral fiber friend and Brother of Diana. Plus of Aradia. God of the Sun and Unremarkable.Lugh: Ireland,Wales. Sun and War God. Allied with the local holiday of Lughnassadh, a crop local holiday. Equivalent with ravens. and a white stag.Math Mathonwy: Wales, Britain. God of magick,sorcery and key.Mithra: Persian; Sun God and transmitter of Unremarkable. A soldier's God.Odin: Scandinavian; go with of Freya. This is the God who hung on the Tree of Yggdrasil to network moment background. His familiars are the Raven and the Trouble. He is depicted as a notable God, in his old age as a God of Discrimination and psychic background. He is the benefactor of Runes.Osiris: Egyptian; go with of Isis. Over-all God form by means of grass and after-life.Owen ap Urien: Wales. God of wisdom, magick and war. Equivalent with Ravens.Pan: Greek; God of Foundation and the Jungle, Cheerfulness and Foolishness. Moreover music and exclusive put away. Chant to Pan.Poseidon: Greek; God of the Sea. His familiars are dolphins and horses.Ptah: Egyptian; Specialist craftsman and planner. God of creative business with the hands.Shiva: Hindu; hobnob of Kali. God of the common surrounding of birth-death-rebirth. Shiva can be moreover species and notable.Sucellus: Britain. Plus God, a sky God. God of field,victory,protection and country.Thor: Scandinavian; God of the Sky and Grumble. A caring God of the mean club, by means of farmers and sailors.Thoth: Egyptian; God of Renewal. Moreover a Moon God and favourable to science and wisdom.