Addictions /alcoholism / compulsiveness: amethyst (esp reduces withdrawal symptoms), ametrine, barite, botswana agate, coral, chevron amethyst, chrysacolla with cuprite, citrine, dumortierite, green calcite, herkimer diamond, iolite, malachite-azurite, moki marbles, moss agate, obsidian, peridot, petrified wood, phenacite, rose quartz, rutilated quartz, sugilite (esp immune system problems from substance abuse), thulite (esp those caused by abuse/neglect)
Adrenal glands: ametrine, aventurine (green), black obsidian, black tourmaline (schorl), bloodstone, carnelian, cuprite, emerald, epidote, fire agate, garnet, jade, Kansas pop rocks, kyanite, malachite, nephrite jade, peach aventurine, rose quartz, ruby, smoky quartz, sugilite, sulfur
Aligning the physical & astral bodies: amazonite
Allergies: apatite, brecciated jasper (animals) carnelian, clay, dolomite, garnet, moldovite, white coral
Arthritis/bones/joints: abalone, amber, amethyst, apatite, azurite, black tourmaline, blue lace agate, boji stones (Kansas pop rocks), botswana agate, carnelian, chalcosiderite, chrysocolla, copper, dolomite, fluorite, gold, green calcite, howlite (bones) lapis, lodestone (magnetite), malachite, petrified wood, quartz, rhodonite, ruby, sulphur, topaz
Back pain or problems: calcite, fluorite, lodestone, obsidian
Blood pressure: bloodstone, blue calcite, chrysocolla, sodalite
Body aches: diopside
Cardiovascular: bloodstone, hematite
Chronic fatigue: amethyst, aquamarine, aragonite, boji stones (kansas pop rocks), orange calcite, quartz, rhodocrosite, ruby, zincite
Depression: chrysoprase, citrine, kunzite, lepidolite, lapis, blue quartz, jet, smoky quartz, rose quartz, black tourmaline, peridot, botswana agate, eliat stone, gold, jet, lapis, moonstone, quartz, platinum, spinel, topaz
Eating disorders (anorexia, bulemia, others): picasso marble (jasper), thulite
Energy (increase, high energy): amber, agate, apophyllite, aragonite (magick & charms particularly), bloodstone, blue calcite, blue goldstone, boji stones (Kansas pop rocks), carnelian, clear quartz, danburite, green jasper, honey calcite, katanganite, plancheite, prehnite, red calcite, red coral, rhodochrosite, ruby, rutilated quartz, septarian nodule, spinel, sulphur, yellow calcite
Feminine reproductive-related issues: lapis, rose quartz
Fevers: diopside, peridot, pyrite, tree agate, sapphire, sodalite
Fibromyalgia: amber, amethyst, citrine, clear quartz, emerald, hematite, lapis, labradorite, morganite, obsidian, rose quartz, tiger eye
Headache, general: amber, amethyst, angelite, Arizona lizard stone jasper, aquamarine, black jade, blende, bloodstone, blue agate, blue aventurine, blue lace agate, optical calcite, cavansite, celestite, charoite, cherry opal, chevron amethyst, chrysacolla, common opal, diamond, dioptase, emerald, fire agate, green aventurine, green tourmaline, holly blue chalcedony, iolite, jade, jet, lapis lazuli, malachite, moss agate, blue obsidian, pearl, phenacite (phenakite), purple fluorite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz, silicon, sodalite, sugilite, sulphur, stilbite, tiger eye, trilobite, turquoise Also see migraine headache and tension headache.
Healing and health (general): agate, amber, amethyst, amazonite, aventurine, azurite, celestite, calcite, citrine, charoite, chlorite, chrysacolla, chrysoprase, coral, danburite, epidote, garnet, green calcite, green moss agate, green tourmaline, holey stones, infinite, jet, labradorite, lepidolite, moonstone, peridot, petrified wood, phantom quartz, pink tourmaline, quartz crystals, jasper, malachite, rhodochrosite, rutilated quartz, self-healed quartz, smoky quartz, spinel (whole body), watermelon tourmaline
Infection: pearl, pyrite, quartz
Kidney / bladder: anhydrite (angelite), amber, bloodstone, green calcite, carnelian, chrysoberyl, coral, cuprite, jade, jasper, orange calcite, rhodochrosite, smokey quartz
Liver: carnelian, jasper
Lungs: peach aventurine, pyrite, rutilated quartz
Memory: blue calcite, carnelian, emerald, honey calcite, onyx, pyrite, quartz crystals, rhodochrosite, spinel
Menopause: moonstone, pietersite
Migraine headache: jet (natural), phenacite (phenakite), purple fluorite, rose quartz Also see Headache, General.
Nervous system: alexandrite, amazonite, aquamarine, apatite, botswana agate, fire agate, emerald, galena, lapis lazuli, morganite, peridot, sugilite, tourmaline
Panic attacks: epidote, lepidolite
PMS (Pre-Menstrual Syndrome): dolomite, lapis, magnesite, rose quartz, pietersite
Psychic abilities/intuition: amazonite, amethyst, apatite, azurite, botswana agate, cavansite, celestite, emerald, fire agate, garnet, green calcite, herkimer diamonds, holey stones, kyanite, labradorite, lapis, meteorites, moonstone, opal, orange calcite, quartz, selenite, super seven, tektite, turquoise
Stamina: crazy lace agate, dolomite (for dealing with hyperactive people), sodalite, spinel, tiger iron
Stomach problems: botswana agate, citrine, peridot, jasper, obsidian, prasiolite
Teeth/gums: agate, amazonite, aquamarine, calcite, dolomite, fluorite, howlite, malachite, spinel
Tension headache: amethyst, blue lace agate, cat's eye (natural, chrysoberyl), chrysacolla, lapis nevada Also see Headache, General.
Weight gain: unakite (ideal weight)
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