Solutions For The Emerging Crystal Children
The piece was called "Crystal Test Solutions" And I am sorry I can not remember where it was that I found this. With all the new children all being chrystals and many are now in the mercy of a school system that never worked and really doesn't work for these children, I felt compelled to put this out there. 1. It's hard for me to concentrate.Sodalite. It helps to clear up both mental and emotional confusion which can prevent concentration.2. I have a hard time making decisions.Carnelian: It helps us to focus on the present, and our current needs.3. I'd like to be more in touch with angels.Angelite: This crystal helps us to be in touch with angels and animal guides, as well as assisting in distant communication with other humans.4. I have lots of ideas, but I can't seem to materialize them.Citrine. It helps you to manifest your ideas so that you can act on them.Clear Calcite: Sometimes we can't find new answers because we're operating in a framework of old beliefs. Clear calcite helps us to change our perspective.5. I have lots of ideas, but it's difficult for me to express them.Turquoise: It helps you to clarify ideas and to express them creatively -- and to enroll others in helping to make them come true.6. I have difficulty letting go of old ideas.Clear quartz: Called the mirror of the soul, it helps us to see who we truly are, free of limiting ideas and beliefs.7. I wish I liked myself more.Rose Quartz: This is the stone for self-love, meaning appreciation of yourself, regardless of what you consider to be your shortcomings.8. It's hard for me to be honest with other people.Amazonite: For courage of personal expression.9. Sometimes I wish I were in a different dimension of reality.All grounding (black/red) stones help to reestablish a loving connection with the earth dimension. These include smoky quartz, hematite, tiger's eye, obsidian, black tourmaline, onyx, and red jasper.10. I hate my body. I'm too (fat, skinny, short, tall, etc.).Smoky quartz: Of all the grounding stones, it establishes the most gentle and loving connection with the body.11. I never have enough money to satisfy my needs.Citrine: for using one's individual and unique talents to create abundance.Chrysoprase: Attracts abundance and helps in success with new ventures12. I resent what some people have done to me, and find it difficult to forgive them.Sugilite: This stone is especially effective in working on resentment and anger.13. I know that I have a limited view of some areas of my life, but I don't know how to gain a broader perspective.Hawk's Eye: This stone helps to provide an "aerial" and more objective viewpoint of one's situation.14. I often find that other people's moods are contagious, I.e., if someone is sad I find myself feeling sad, too.Hematite: In ancient times this stone was used as a mirror because of its reflective qualities. It can help you to deflect, rather than absorb, the moods of others.15. I want to feel more at peace with myself.Chrysocolla: Its deep blue-green hue soothes and calms the heart. It is also considered to be a stone to program for world peace.16. I feel that I lack imagination.Aquamarine, a stone which has been related to the sea, helps us to brave the unknown and experience the flow of creativity.Clear Calcite: Lacking imagination is often the inability to see beyond the (invisible) mental boundaries we've set for ourselves. Clear calcite helps us to expand our vision.17. I'm not in touch with my intuition.Blue Agate and Malachite: Both of these stones assist in left/right-brain balance. Thus, those who feel stuck in their logical, rational selves can rebalance so that they may hear their intuitive voices.18. It's hard for me to think logically.As Blue Agate and Malachite help those who are mostly logical to get in touch with intuition, so mostly intuitive people can use these stones to experience their rational sides. Both stones relate to left/right-brain balance.19. I find myself getting angry when I have to deal with incompetent people.Rhodonite: Combining pink, the color for love, with black, for grounding, this stone promotes tolerance.20. I feel stressed out a great deal of the time.Amethyst: This stone is commonly referred to as nature's tranquilizer. It's also beneficial for those who suffer from insomnia or nightmares.Amber: This stone helps with any kind of emotional turmoil.Chrysoprase: Helps to release emotional tension and stress which has lodged in the physical being.Green Tourmaline: All tourmalines help to balance energy, and green is one of the most soothing.21. I have a low opinion of myself.Smoky Quartz is the most widely-used stone for self-esteem.Citrine is another good choice, as it balances both any tendency to have an inflated opinion of self as well as an inadequate sense of self.22. I'm intolerant of others.Rhodonite and Rose Quartz: Rhodonite is effective in dealing with intolerance of acquaintances and strangers; while Rose Quartz addresses the intolerance we feel towards those people who mirror what we view as our own faults.23. It's hard for me to let go of anger.Rhodonite: This stone helps us to be patient and to forgive.24. I have goals, but I find it difficult to get from where I am to where I want to be.Clear Quartz: A pointed crystal has the most focused energy, and clear quartz is the most powerful crystal to program for goals.25. There seems to be a lot of negativity in my life.Hematite and Black Tourmaline both help to deflect negativity.26. I'd like to be more prosperous.Green tourmaline for awakening one's creativity for the purpose of creating more abundance.Citrine: for feeling confident about using those abilities.Honey Calcite: for manifesting abundance in work-related areas.Pyrite: For awakening the creativity and discovering new ways of creating abundance.27. I want to understand myself better.Moss Agate helps one to understand the self improves ego and self esteem.28. I wish I had more creative abilities.Malachite: for its ability to help balance the logical, practical and intuitive, visionary sides of the brain.Carnelian: For helping creativity to flow.Aqua Aura: Encourages self-expression in service to others.29. I want to trust my psychic abilities more.Labradorite/ spectrolite: This stone assists us in the wise use of psychic powers; thus we need not fear using them for the wrong purposes.30. I wish I were more in touch with nature.Agate: This stone helps us to connect to nature and nature spirits.31. I want to be free of past sorrows.Aventurine: Sorrow is stored in the heart, and aventurine is an ideal stone for soothing heartache.32. I have a lot of anxiety attacks.Rhodochrosite: This stone assists in slow, deep breathing, which relaxes the solar plexus and sends needed oxygen to the brain.33. I often feel emotionally unbalanced.Moonstone: This stone assists you both when you're feeling over-emotional or out of touch with your feelings.34. I would like more serenity in my life.Amethyst: The most recommended stone for stress relief.Aquamarine: This stone has the calming, soothing energy of the sea.35. I wish good things happened more quickly to me.Rutilated Quartz: Its high vibrations speed in manifesting what you want.36. I wish I knew what's stopping me from having what I want.Black Obsidian: This stone helps to bring to the surface the hidden and limiting beliefs which may blocking you.Clear Calcite has the same effect in a more gentle way.37. I'd like to be more patient with myself and others.Rose Quartz: This stone teaches self-love and acceptance; when we feel this way about ourselves it's easier to have patience with others. Rhodonite: This stone helps with patience.38. I wish I could look at my problems more rationally.Sodalite: When you feel completely confused this stone can help with mental calmness.39. I'd like to know what's going on inside me.Obsidian: This stone will tell you' be sure you want to know.40. When I'm sick I get so nervous about it that it's hard for me to get well.Amethyst: The stone for over stressed nerves.Rhodochrosite: for relieving anxiety.41. Sometimes I'm not sure what I feel.Moonstone: This stone helps us to get in touch with our feelings.42. I'm over-sensitive.Hematite: Being over-sensitive usually means being over-affected by the opinions and/or feelings of others. Hematite helps to shield us from this.43. Sometimes I don't trust myself.Rose Quartz: This is the stone for loving ourselves, and trust naturally follows love.44. I feel as if I'm on an emotional roller-coaster.Moonstone: This stone helps to bring balance to the emotions.45. I need to uncover my deepest fears.Obsidian: This stone will bring up anything which is hidden, and is best used with any of the quartzes (especially rose quartz and aventurine) to soften its effect.Charoite: Helps one to deal with both known and unknown fears.46. I'm depressed a lot of the time.Smoky Quartz: When we're depressed we feel both that we have no solid ground to stand on and that light is absent from our lives. This stone, which is dark and light-filled, can help.Amber: This helps to draw out depression.47. I need more passion in my life.Ruby: This is the traditional stone for sexual and emotional passion.48. I find it hard to ask others for help.Amazonite and Turquoise: The first stone gives courage of self-expression; the second gives the ability to ask for help.49. I have difficulty in asserting myself.Amazonite: This stone helps us to say what we need to say.50. I have frequent nightmares.Amethyst: This is the traditional stone for peaceful sleep.51. I feel that I'm too inflexible.Green Calcite: This stone, formed in water, helps to bring flexibility to our perceptions of ourselves and others.52. No matter how hard I try I can't seem to be objective about my problems.Clear Calcite: This stone helps us to to draw on our higher or spiritual selves for creative solutions.53. I feel as if I come from another planet.Moldavite: Some of us may; moldavite can helps us all to feel more comfortable on the earth plane.Ametrine: Helps us to balance the spiritual and physical words.54. I have trouble meditating.Kyanite: I have found that this stone helps me to be grounded and calm so that I can meditate.Hematite: This stone helps to calm and stabilize our energy.55. I would like to develop my intellect.Fluorite: Known as the genius stone, it can help stimulate intellectual powers.56. I worry too much about other people's opinions of me.Rose Quartz: When we nurture ourselves with self-love other people's opinions of us will usually mirror our own.57. I feel that I present to the world an image of myself which isn't really me.Charoite: We often present false images because we're afraid that we won't be accepted for who we are. Charoite helps to dissolve fear.58. I feel disconnected from other people.Quartz Cluster: Helps us to see the beauty of community and helps with group meditations.59. No matter how hard I try, I can't stick to my diet (or break another addiction).Amethyst: Many people have successfully used this stone to help in releasing addictions.60. I find it impossible to let go of old relationships:Onyx: This is the stone for breaking unwanted ties to the past.