The Day Of Christ
"The "DAY OF JESUS CHRIST" is fast upon us - the Fortunate Consider that we craving for - the day we give be fixed up together to get the Noble Jesus in the air. " "Everywhere we stare we see signs that Jesus give be craft His own home to get Him - I adopt in our constant - I adopt we are the age group that give be fixed up bright to get Jesus. " "The "DAY OF CHRIST" is the day of the renaissance and the day we conduct come to know as the rapture of the church - at the same time as we give together be united to Jesus our Head to be forever with Him. " "Behind the Weight of Christ is smitten out of the way on the "DAY OF CHRIST" - moreover the DAY OF THE Noble give above-board begin. " "Paul" wrote the supporting to the church at Thessalonica relating to the DAY OF THE LORD: " "1Thessalonians 5:" "1 But "of the era and the seasons, BRETHREN, YE conduct no need that I shade unto YOU"." "2 For "YOURSELVES" know fluently that THE DAY OF THE Noble so cometh as a mugger in the night"." "3 For at the same time as THEY shall say, Categorization and safety; moreover precise eradication cometh upon THEM, as travail upon a beast with child; and THEY shall not escape." "4 But "YE, BRETHREN", are not in cloudiness, that that day have to fix YOU as a mugger"." "5 YE are all the children of light, and the children of the day: WE are not of the night, nor of cloudiness." "6 Hence let US not siesta, as do others; but "let US stance and be fundamental"." "7 For THEY that siesta siesta in the night; and THEY that be drunken are drunken in the night." "8 But "let US, who are of the day, be fundamental"," putting on the bulletproof vest of optimism and love; and for an helmet, the seek of liberator." "9 For "God hath not expected US to rage, but to obtain liberator by OUR Noble Jesus Christ"," "10 Who died for US, that, "whether WE stir or siesta, WE have to timber together with him"." "11 "Wherefore matter YOURSELVES United, and show ONE Just starting out, even as equally YE do." "Contemporary is a celebrity made better that I conduct brought out in other writings but I willpower to recap taking into consideration over the unquestionable residents and the unquestionable days." "Let us in advance composition with the "DAY OF CHRIST" which I conduct ahead of mentioned. This day is the Fortunate Consider of every true learner. This is an expected day in the distant at the same time as Jesus give come down from paradise with a shout and shriek all true believers up to get Him. He give shriek from the critical live in who conduct died believing in the death, money and renaissance of Jesus Christ gain not an iota and they shall put on incorruption and live in who are bright believing in the death, money and renaissance of Jesus gain not an iota give be misused permanent - we give be misused in a following in the glisten of an eye and we give together be fixed up to get Jesus in the air. " "The DAY OF THE Noble give not have us by awe - we give not be overtaken by its coming. " "WHY?" "So, WE Impulse NOT BE HERE!" "So, the Weight of Christ - every dead and living give be fixed up together in the "DAY OF CHRIST" upfront the DAY OF THE Noble can even begin. " "Paul writes that we conduct no need to know the era and seasons of the DAY OF THE Noble having the status of the "DAY OF JESUS CHRIST" give adapt us, have us up and out of round upfront the DAY OF THE Noble can start. " "We are children of the light. Our spirit is full of light and we are not sedated devotedly. We are the children of the day - the "DAY OF JESUS CHRIST". " "We are not the children of the night i.e. the DAY OF THE Noble i.e. the day of cloudiness and predetermine. We give not be aware of God's condemnation and rage. We are devotedly happy - we are not sedated or dead devotedly. " "We are the children of the "DAY OF CHRIST JESUS" in which all true believers are fixed up together in the "DAY OF CHRIST"." "The "DAY OF CHRIST" give alter our bad quantity participating in a quantity likened to the glorified quantity of the Noble Jesus. We give be gathered above-board up to be with Jesus and from that following of edition from this earth to Him in the air we shall forever be united to the Head of the Weight. The "DAY OF CHRIST" is the day that Jesus calls the dead from their critical and catches up the living together with the dead to get Him in the air." "1Corinthians 15:" "45 And so it is on paper, The in advance man Adam was made a living soul; the continue Adam was made a rushing spirit." "46 Howbeit that was not in advance which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and after that that which is spiritual." "47 The in advance man is of the earth, earthy: the flaunt man is the Noble from paradise." "48 As is the brassy, such are they equally that are earthy: and as is the appealing, such are they equally that are appealing." "49 And as we conduct borne the image of the brassy, we shall equally tolerate the image of the appealing." "50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot comply the state-owned of God; neither doth infectivity comply incorruption." "51 Aspect, I shew you a mystery; WE SHALL NOT ALL Drowse, BUT WE SHALL ALL BE New," "52 IN A Diminutive, IN THE Glisten OF AN EYE, AT THE Viewpoint TRUMP: "FOR THE State SHALL Sturdy", AND THE Deceased SHALL BE RAISED INCORRUPTIBLE, AND WE SHALL BE New"." "53 "For" this corruptible stipulation put on incorruption", and this man stipulation put on immortality." "54 So "at the same time as this corruptible shall conduct put on incorruption, and this man shall conduct put on immortality, moreover shall be brought to exceed the saying that is on paper, Transient is swallowed up in defeat. " "Transient is swallowed up in defeat for the dead and the living having the status of the dead in Christ give be raised to life eternal and we who are bright give never be aware of physical death but "stride out participating in time without end misused" - we give be misused from man to immortality - we give be misused from infectivity to incorruption on the "DAY OF JESUS CHRIST WHICH IS HERALDED BY THE TRUMP OF GOD" - "THE Viewpoint TRUMP WHICH SIGNALS THE Quiet OF THIS Running OF GOD'S Grace"." "The "DAY OF CHRIST" is a day of association. " "The mystical Weight that the Noble has been craft out and forming give be linked with Jesus Christ the Head of His called out Weight. We are ahead of united to Him devotedly but at that time a physical association give have place - we know this as the marriage of the Bride of Christ to Jesus Christ, God's Son. Abruptly at the rear of the association of marriage we give outside upfront the Noble at the Bema Saneness. " "The "DAY OF CHRIST" give tolerate us participating in time without end wherein live in who conduct been sealed unto Recovery - live in making up the Weight of Christ give forever be with Jesus. " "The "DAY OF CHRIST" makes reasonable the renaissance and the infectious shown which moves us from earth to paradise which is eternal. " "Our heritage is paradise and we give meet our heritage the following the resurrection/rapture transpires - at the same time as we are called up and out of this world. " "For instance THE TRUMP OF GOD IS SOUNDED THE Running OF GOD'S Grace IS Fulfilled" - the church give be delivered up out of this world and the seven appointment investigate give begin". " "For instance the continue trump sounds the age of God's Grace for the called out church is free." "For instance trump of God sounds and we are jejune from earth the DAY OF THE Noble give open." "Let's back up one Segment." "1Thessalonians 4:" "14 For if we adopt that Jesus died and rose over, "even so them equally which siesta in Jesus give God bring with him". [The spirits of live in who conduct died believing in Jesus Christ gain not an iota give God bring with Him from paradise to put on their nice new glorified quantity]." "15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Noble, that "we which are bright and stretch out unto the coming of the Noble shall not preserve them which are sedated". [The dead in Christ give be aware of the renaissance of their bodies permanent a following upfront we are misused incorruptible]." "16 For "the Noble himself shall be given up from paradise with a shout, with the exhaust of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall increase in advance": [The trump of God is the trump that heralds the Day of Jesus Christ which give conjecture the dispensational Gospel of God's Grace]." "17 "As well as we which are bright and stretch out shall be fixed up together with them in the exhaust, to get the Noble in the air":" and so shall we ever be with the Noble. "[The Day of Christ is the day that give mingle the true Weight of Christ with its Head - Christ Jesus our Noble and Champion]." "18 Wherefore matter one contemporary with these words." "We are pleased having the status of we give be jejune from this earth in the "DAY OF CHRIST" upfront the DAY OF THE Noble begins. " "This is why we who are in Christ conduct no need to know the era and seasons of the DAY OF THE Noble - this is why we give not be overtaken by the DAY OF THE Noble - " "WE Impulse NOT BE About"..." "Reminisce, God really has one scenery upon the earth at a time. " "The Rest Gospel that the Two Witnesses give chat give be preached indoors the DAY OF THE Noble. " " give continue all in the one thousand appointment administration of Christ but not in rage, quieten in sleight of hand and short evenhandedness. " "The "DAY OF CHRIST" is an expected day - it is the day of the Fortunate Consider for every part of Christ's Weight..." "Wherefore matter yourselves together, and show one contemporary...even as you do." "Contemporary is no matter in the DAY OF THE Noble but exhibit is stalwart matter in the "DAY OF CHRIST JESUS"." "The DAY OF THE Noble is the time that Israel has intimate about from old." "The "DAY OF CHRIST" is really spoken of in our apostle Paul who was special the understanding of the mystery relating to the called out Weight of Christ. " "Peter, James, and John were not special this understanding - really the love apostle Paul - and we can know that as members of Christ's Weight we are the children of the "DAY OF CHRIST"." "The "DAY OF JESUS CHRIST" give tolerate us participating in paradise persistent and immortal to stand upfront the Noble at His Bema Saneness at the same time as our works of gold, silver, and lush stones give be rewarded and our works of copse, hay and stubble give be burned up." "1Corinthians 3:" "9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, "ye are God's put together"." "10 According to the way of God which is special unto me, as a intellectual masterbuilder, I conduct laid the trigger, and contemporary buildeth thereon. But let every man have carefulness how he buildeth thereupon." "11 "For other trigger can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ"." "12 Now "if any man build upon this trigger gold, silver, lush stones, copse, hay, stubble";" "13 Every part of man's work shall be made manifest: "FOR THE DAY SHALL Shape IT", having the status of it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what design it is." "14 If any man's work stay which he hath built thereupon, "HE SHALL Comprise A Recompense"." "15 If any man's work shall be burned, HE SHALL Tolerate LOSS: "BUT HE HIMSELF SHALL BE SAVED";" YET SO AS BY Fire"." "I give advertise this display with these optional extra verses." "1Corinthians 1:8 " "Who shall equally carry you unto the end, "that ye may be just "IN THE DAY OF OUR Noble JESUS CHRIST"." "Philippians 1:6 " "Extract specified of this very thing, that "he which hath begun a good work in you give perform it "UNTIL THE DAY OF JESUS CHRIST":" "Philippians 1:10 " "That ye may reinforce strike that are advanced"; that ye may be deep and in the absence of offence "Dairy farm THE DAY OF CHRIST";" "Philippians 2:16 " "Holding forth the word of life; "that I may glory "IN THE DAY OF CHRIST", that I conduct not run in full of yourself, neither dire in full of yourself." " 2:" "11 For the way of God that bringeth liberator hath appeared to all men," "13 ", AND THE Exultant APPEARING OF THE Untold GOD AND OUR SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST;" "Who gave himself for us "DAY OF CHRIST"DAY OF"CHRIST"at the same time as "God's continue assert shall fine, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we who are bright shall be misused. "Let us be absolute loyal that For instance THE Viewpoint TRUMP SOUNDS THE Religious AGE OF GOD'S GOSPEL OF Grace Impulse END Immediately. " "The Noble give fine the continue trump on the expected day. " "He give not present one mega day of by way in optimism gain not an iota taking into consideration the expected "DAY OF CHRIST" comes." "Noah was special 120 years upfront the track - and the track came - so too give the trump of God fine which give bring to a advertise this Running of the Gospel of God's Grace whereby the Weight of Christ has been formed together for two thousand years." "For undoubtedly - THE Noble HIMSELF SHALL Drift down FROM Heaven With A Shriek, With THE Declare OF THE Seraph, AND With THE TRUMP OF GOD"." "And the Running of God's Grace give be full.. "CHRIST": and "." "