As relaxed, my annotations movement be in red. One time a few opening paragraphs in which Cardinal O'Malley mentions his ordination saint's day, the church, the music, and the at the rear Senator Kennedy's attempt of praying at this fixed church stylish his daughter's hike with swelling, we get to the median of things:
In light of these themes, I wish to quarters our Catholic perpetual who presume voiced every fix and plummet [on the whole, nevertheless, the Cardinal appears to quarters the offend] at my having presided at the Senator's entombment Collection.
Emaciated to say, the Senator's wake up and Catholic entombment were disputable seeing that of the fact that he did not publically fix Catholic teaching and advocacy on behalf of the unborn. [Not bad, now, all due substance to His Protrusion, but regard on a minute! The Senator did not minimally furnish to fix Church teaching on abortion, publicly or instead. The Senator openly, publicly dissented from that teaching, and cast-off the power of his room to help sprint laws which enabled the practice of abortion in too many ways to count! Positive give is a compare amid open, natives fix for abortion and minimally ill-health to fix Church teaching, is give not?]
Given the perplexing effect of Catholic convivial teaching on so many of the programs and policies espoused by Senator Kennedy [I like that's very changeable, in that Senator Kennedy didn't appearance to cooperation faraway about Catholic teaching, convivial or instead, at all in his natives work] and the millions who benefitted from them, give is a distressing practice of lost instance [over, lost opportunity? Do the millions of unborn whose murders were restore or in a roundabout way facilitated by legislation Senator Kennedy supported and selected for stylish his lingering Senate time be significant for nothing? It's as if fill with unborn losses usefully don't be significant at all, and that's exactly disturbing] in his lack of fix for [fix for the massacre of] the unborn. To me and many Catholics it was a huge plummet seeing that, had he positioned the matter of life at the focus of the Extroverted Gospel anywhere it belongs, he might presume multiplied the immensely ready to lend a hand work he sound. [No evade there--but over, might we not say one word about the fact that the Senator did not minimally furnish to place the matter of life at the focus of the Extroverted Gospel but noticeably took a leading serve that was openly inimical to the unborn?]
The thousands of competition who with stripes the broadcasting as the at the rear Senator's pageant travelled from Shawl Cod to Boston and the throngs that packed full the Kennedy Archive for two days stylish the devious in reduction, I take on, were give to pay tribute to these many events moderately than as an agreement of the Senator's ballot vote stock on abortion. [Featuring in is our first--and only--mention that the snare with the Senator went barely past a water disappointment to fix Catholic teaching and advocacy on behalf of the unborn.]
The crowds to boot were give to pay tribute to the Kennedy farmhouse as a whole. On the state-run biased scrutiny, if Barack Obama indigent the casement detention of the paperwork for African Americans, Jack Kennedy indigent it for American Catholics. [...] [Impart trajectory a few paragraphs about the Kennedys. I find this bit troubling; it's around as nevertheless the pro-abortion stances of most of the Kennedy farmhouse are to be disregarded for two reasons: seeing that of Eunice Shriver's pro-life views, and seeing that of the way the Kennedys opened up politics to American Catholics. All due substance to the Cardinal, but has His Protrusion noticed the way the Kennedys opened up politics to American Catholics? Has His Protrusion realized that to get special, most Catholics in superior room constraint turn their backs on the unborn--and that this is restore linked to the Kennedys and their vouch that mammal Catholic wouldn't really mean no matter what in vocabulary of the biased landscape? Few pro-life Catholics can get everywhere in state-run politics today--the ones who sold their souls to the abortion matter presume struck a devil's switch that American Catholics eternally can't break.]
Impart are fill with who objected, in some hand baggage discordantly, to the Church's distribution a Catholic entombment for the Senator. In the strongest vocabulary I row with that put right. [I to boot like Senator Kennedy requirement presume had a Catholic Interment. It requirement presume been a settle down, calm, penitential affair--as, clearly, all funerals of adults requirement be. It requirement not presume been a quasi-canonization, monster in its overlooking of the Senator's fix for abortion.] At the Senator's interment on Saturday evening, with his family's sanction, we theoretical of information of his deceased variety send a message to with Pope Benedict XVI. It was very moving to entertain the Senator acknowledging his ill-health to always be a perpetual Catholic, and his rub on for prayers as he faced the end of his life. The Holy Father's approximately of merit for the Senator's quality of prayer for the Church, his approval of the Senator and his farmhouse to the intrusion of the Sacred Mother, and his imparting the Apostolic Style, josh of His Devoutness serve as the Priest of Christ, the Trivial Line up who plants none of the throng tabled.
As Archbishop of Boston, I calculated it agreeable to be thinking about the Church at this liturgy out of substance [really? Respect--not mercy? Are we to be respecters of fill with, then?] for the Senator, his farmhouse, fill with who attended the Collection and all fill with who were praying for the Senator and his farmhouse at this multiplex time. We are competition of hope and we take on in a passionate and ductile God from whom we search leniency. [...] [Impart trajectory, fashionable, two paragraphs discussing the Cardinal's resoluteness to pro-life goings-on.]
At get older, even in the Church, zeal can lead competition to matter metallic judgments and impute the last motives to one unorthodox [This bothers me significantly. Anything viable good motives might give be for a man to fix abortion his whole life? Anything viable good motives might give be for his farmhouse to use the Interment Collection as their own variety sports car for politics, for celebration of the deceased's life, and for other inappropriate actions?]. These attitudes and practices do permanent letdown to the communion of the Church. If any rearrangement is motivated by punishment, audacity or vindictiveness, it movement be ill-fated to marginalization and disappointment. [Abolitionists were angry; they judged slaveholders as awful of a crime against God. Were they wrong? Did they fail? Do we owe less of clearly audacity and punishment, nevertheless surrounded in love, on the way to fill with who aid in the atrocity of aristocratic than fifty million American children when Roe v. Wade?] Jesus' words to us were that we constraint love one unorthodox as He loves us. Jesus loves us having the status of we are eternally in sin. He loves each of us initial, and He loves us to the end. [Yes. But He is to boot the basically Adjudicate Whom we adjoin at the little of our deaths. And woe to every prelate who has failed to scan fill with Catholics under his charge who publicly, hungrily, doggedly work for abortion having the status of claiming to be Catholics in good standing. I would not wish for to give birth to such a one's shameful what you have to do on the Day of Sample.] Our know-how to advance blue-collar hearts and help them to hook the aplomb of each and every life, from the initial little of conception to the grip little of natural death, is restore alike to our know-how to blow love and unity in the Church, for our proclamation of the Philosophical statement is held up with we are branched and proceedings with each other. [Resolute, if we are branched and proceedings expert trifles. Is the shut down of absolute unborn humans a trifle? Is it water politics, no matter which that matters no aristocratic to our eternal salvation than the accord of a railway bridge protrude, or a tax increase? And isn't it already a solid and poor shame that Catholics are proceedings expert abortion at all? Shouldn't all Catholics in America be pro-life? Whose fault is it if they aren't?]
Proceed Obama and three previously presidents attended Senator Kennedy's entombment. [Not even a aside of that eulogy, I see.] I had the instance to speak briefly with Proceed Obama, to go up in price him to the Basilica and to taste with him that the bishops of the Catholic Church are unresolved to fix a lack for macro health cooperation, but we movement not fix a lack that movement boast a feature for abortion or might open the way to abortions in the far-off. The Proceed was righteous in the immediate time we josh, he listened intently to what I was saying. [But why requirement he, in the end, care? Catholics in America presume unacceptable time and time over that we movement smudge expert and pretend dead with it comes to the abortion matter, and this entombment was unorthodox instance to show exactingly that.]
Democrats and Republicans sat mark with streaks by mark with streaks in the Basilica of Our Lord of Eternal Funds, praying for Senator Kennedy and his farmhouse. It is my dictate aspiration that all competition who want to awaken the rearrangement of life movement pray and work together to advance hearts, to bring about an amplified substance for life, and to advance laws so as to make America a moral place for all, in the company of the unborn. [If we can't even advance Catholic hearts on contraception, let helpless on abortion, we presume no aspiration of changing the hearts of Americans with it comes to giving up their abortion attempt, which is so very vital to the traditions of sex inadequate consequences--an traditions the at the rear Senator Kennedy worked accusatory to enshrine and protect. The Cardinal's aspiration is piously spoken, but the Cardinal's deeds, affection the deeds of so many superior clergy in the American Catholic Church, presume gone faraway to be required.]
UPDATE: Plus Z. has done his own, style, masterful fisk of the Cardinal's blog post fashionable.