Margot Adler And Drawing Down The Moon
Drawing Down the Moon: Witches, Druids, Goddess-Worshippers, and Other Pagans in AmericaISBN: 0143038192ISBN-13: 9780143038191 Of this posting I have only read from the beginning of the book through chapter 1. I have to say that Margot Adler has done a great job from what I have read. I am sure that the rest is just as exciting and informative, if not more so. For all of you that are new to Paganism or Neo-Paganism, I have to say this a great book to start with. You can get this book at your local library. That is where I got my copy. This blog or this book is by no means telling any of you how to believe or what you should believe in. It is true that what I write is my life as I continue down the Pagan path. Since I started this blog, in which is the same time I started with the Wiccan faith, I have learned that faith is more then the absolutes and narrow aspects that so many Christian leaders teach. Faith is much broader than that. How broad or narrow your faith is really to us as individuals. With so many Pagans, they choose their path alone. Even when a good number may join covens, how and what they believe is entirely up to them. In dealing with Christianity for 30-31 years, all I say was one path for all. In reality, no one size fits all, so how can something so fast that is beyond all human understanding can one faith path fits all? It cannot. To me Faith and Spirituality is too fast of a concept to look upon it in one measure. If no two people thinking alike, then how can two people believe alike even under the same tradition? What is the truth that does stand on all fours is love. Love itself is not an absolute. All can love, but each of us love in their own way. The more I read about this book, the more I will write about it here in this blog. If one loves an adventure, then live is surely one. When you put your own personal faith and grow with it, then you can really have a wonderful and rewarding spiritual adventure. Brandon The purpose of this blog is to show how bad Christianity is turning out to be.