June Poem
ROBIN HERNE is a storyteller, poet, artist, Druid and author of Old Gods, New Druids and Bard Song. He regularly speaks at Interfaith seminars, Pagan conventions, and other events as both a lecturer and a storyteller. He currently lives with his partner in Suffolk, England and is a founder member of both the Druid group Clan Ogma and the Ipswich Pagan Council. He is also proud to be the first winner of the title Chief Bard of the Fens! Little Rabbit lies bleeding,His beloved unheedingOf the scarlet on the tiles. Little Rabbit lies weeping, His brief memories seeping Whilst his harsh assassin smile Little Rabbit loves him still,This lord who has caused such ill,Has worshipped him from afar. Little Rabbit gazed, yearning, Unrequited love burning, Leaves its own soul-searing scar. Little Rabbit knelt spying,Beneath his lord's veil prying,Humble soldier needs to know. Little Rabbit blind to pride, High Lord wanted no man-bride Raging, scorning, lays him low. Little Rabbit eyes dimming,Faces in the pool brimming,Distorted souls reflect true. Little Rabbit slips the coil Leaves behind such fruitless toil From bloody bathhouse soul flew. Little Rabbit sits dreamingWhilst turns a full moon's gleaming,Before King Yan's divine throne. Little Rabbit heaven sent Ensures now no love unspent That no man should die unknown. Little Rabbit, Tu Er Shen,Grants the love of men to men,Brother bucks beneath the pelt. Little Rabbit made divine Fleshed by such love, yours and mine, In each caress he is felt. "This poem is inspired by the Taoist myth told of a young soldier, Hu Tianbao, who fell madly in love with a pompous government official and took to mooning over him. The official did not notice until the unfortunate day when Hu was caught spying on the dignitary whilst he was in the bathhouse. Enraged, the man had Hu beaten to death for daring to intrude upon his social superior. When the unfortunate soldier arrived before King Yan, judge of the dead, it was deemed that he had died for love and therefore did not belong in Hell. Indeed, Yan appealed to the Gods who heard Hu's case and made him one of their own. He became Tu-Er-Shen, the Rabbit God, and patron of gay lovers ever since. His cult became prominent in his home province of Fu Jian for a while, and whilst it dwindled dramatically under Communism the Rabbit God does have a few shrines outside of China. He is considered by Taoists to be a rather shy deity who is grateful for all offerings and praise (hopefully including this poem, which draws on the Chinese tradition of rhyming couplets)."