Thursday, November 4, 2010

Worship And Spirituality During And Between The Asatru Holidays

Worship And Spirituality During And Between The Asatru Holidays Cover

Book: Worship And Spirituality During And Between The Asatru Holidays by Anonymous

This is how I practice Norse Heathenism/Asatru for the major blotar (rituals). These are normally group rituals. Calendars vary for different groups. Gamlinginn published a list of these some years back; I don't believe I still have it. Many use a modified 8-spoked Wiccan Wheel of the Year. Others have monthly rituals. In Lexington, Kentucky we have made a conscious effort to try to be in harmony with actual local climatic conditions. (Jordsvin)

Download Anonymous's eBook: Worship And Spirituality During And Between The Asatru Holidays

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Anonymous - Worship And Spirituality During And Between The Asatru Holidays