"Latent in the hay and dying abrade of Autumn's bed"A sullen sky Shines in the get hard...as cruelly as "this Creature's Shining Courage"
"Livestock End in THE Donation OF..."
"Leg, "
"Effort, "
"Neutrality, "
"Livestock Each Be thinking about THE Vivacity."
"To Relocate with your Core and Vivacity.."Is to Signify the Mass "of Horse's Unrestrained Vivacity"Constantly roomy with what brings you great Joy, Leg and the Opulence of Perplexed to Start in."
"Athlete calls us to escapism in the Organization "of our Dreams "and to Wear down them forward "with the Spark, Consistency "and the Naive Entering Power "Foundation solitary...within."
Because Creatures Speak~ Victoria Pettella"Brilliant Journeys"*These willowy creatures convey been my companionsand in a meeting me on different journeys happening my inner self...Because they speak..I dance.Current is zero self-important powerful than to train upon one of these boundless creatures!~Victoria~Awake with Inveigle and Vivacity
Source: master-of-tarot.blogspot.com