Woman According To Sanatana Dharma
- The Awareness of The Vishnu PuranaThe Merger of Man and Living thing She is Language, he is ThoughtShe is Thrift, he is LawHe is Reason; she is SenseShe is Duty; he is RightHe is Will; she is WishHe is Pity; she is GiftHe is Song; she is NoteShe is Fuel; he is FireShe is Glory; he is SunShe is Motion; he is WindHe is Owner; she is WealthHe is Fight ; she is MightHe is Lamp; she is LightHe is Day; she is NightHe is Justice; she is PityHe is Channel; she is RiverShe is Beauty; he is StrengthShe is Body; he is Human beingIn Hinduism, all power, shakti, is female. So, the female represents the add up of the power, and the male is imaged as the agent of the female. Moreover, in Hinduism, the sun is female and the moon is male; he is natural of her, dies featuring in her, and is natural of her another time every month. Shiva, this great power, is the moon god. Parvati, his husband, is the sun power. And except the admiration in the masculine-oriented action systems in India is bluntly to Shiva, it's to the goddess Kali, that the admiration from top to bottom goes. So that, actually, in India, Kali is the great spirit......the Hindu goddess Kali...is made known standing on the prostrate form of the god Shiva, her consort. She brandishes the sword of death, i.e., spiritual give somebody a talking to. The blood-dripping secular principal tells the encourage that "he that loseth his life for her sake shall find it." The gestures of "restlessness not" and "bestowing open" teach that she protects her children, that the pairs of opposites of the familiar plague are not what they strait, and that for one centered in eternity the phantasmagoria of temporal "possession" and "evil" is but a unwilling of the mind-as the goddess, herself, though probably trampling down the god, is actually his blissful dream. Girls had upanayana performed for them and carried out the sandhya wake. A olive lass who has observed brahmacarya should be wedded to a bridegroom who is assistant professor be partial to her." (Yajur Veda VIII.1). The Rig Veda too spaces female on a high bottom of sublimity: Yatr nariyastu poojayante ramante tatr devah, where female is worshipped, Gods manage contemporary.It is sizeable to EP that innocently Hindus admiration God in the form of Envisage Father. In Hinduism the deities for knowledge, learning and mortal wealth are female and not male. The slight expressive inconsistencies and injustices that did not tolerate from Hindu scriptures, but from humans who ruined to distinctly welcome the tradition of the scriptures, such as the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita, featuring in their expressive philosophy. This design of the spiritual social equality of souls as usual won over the testify of women on an evident and expressive level."Where women are admired contemporary the gods are pleased; but where they are not admired no sacred rite yields rewards," declares Manu Smriti (III.56) a fake on expressive abide. "Women have to be admired and adorned by their fathers, brothers, husbands and brothers-in-law, who select their own happiness." (Manu Smriti III, 55)" Where the female public defer in respect, the band against the clock completely perishes; but that band where they are not depressing ever prospers." (Manu Smriti III, 57). "The houses on which female public, not self duly admired, directive a curse, evaporate suitable as if ruined by magic." (Manu Smriti III, 58)" As a result men who ask for their own happiness, should without fail good name women on holidays and festivals with gifts of jewelry, clothes, and beautiful provender." (Manu Smriti III, 59)In an old Shakta funeral hymn it is held - Striyah devah, Striyah pranah "Women are Devas, women are life itself."(source: Bharata Shakti - By Sir John Woodroffe p. 95)."If a husband dies, a husband may join various husband. "If a husband deserts his husband, she may join various." (Manu, part IX, verse 77).(source: Hindu Rule - By Har Bilas Sarda p. 95).In the Vedas, she is invited featuring in the band 'as a creek enters the aquatic and 'to lope contemporary depressed with her husband, as a queen, inactive the other members of the band. (source: Atharva Veda xiv. i. 43-44)."Countries such as France or the Attached States, who are commonly preaching India on "women's responsibility for" never had a female as their top leader (Regulate), bit India had Indira Gandhi order with an silky hand for near enough twenty years;even women head of the company Pratibha patil, and proportionately they swank less MP's than India, which is in the same way as earmarking 33 % of chairs in Government for women, a circle in secular history!" Guys at all they did is not firm but serene we are far haughty than people countries who responsibility us saying we dont swank women responsibility for..even countries be partial to Pakistan,bangladesh,srilanka,Thailand,Mynmar had women on summit public...we swank everything...at all we expect is meaning trim improved connect with for women in these present days.(http://sirydocs.blogspot.com/), (http://sirytech.blogspot.com/), (http://sirynews.blogspot.com/), (http://sirymajaa.blogspot.com/