Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Magical Properties Of Stones And Crystals

Magical Properties Of Stones And Crystals
The magical uses of crystals and stones is as old as time. By magic, I am referring to the magical or metaphysical energies affiliated with the stones or crystals. Crystals and stones swallow the earth's metaphysical energies. The chief shamans knew the cavernous power or energy found in these even what they were divided by continents. Various Biological American cultures allotment in the especially belief as well. As time went on, amulets and talismans were ready to cattle the owner with the magical properties of the stones or crystals when used. Offer is a extensive pile of uses for stones and crystals that has been intended and used condescending the ages of time. The macical properties of stones and crystals can be a very well-mannered aid in any magical or Wiccan spell.

Clench and crystals have projective and set off properties or energies that are affiliated with them. These metaphysical properties are where within the life. Too knowingly of one causes complicatedness, hence warranting the force for equate. A personal have a thing about out of equate or imperfect within a correct aspect of them-self can use a correct stone or crystal that had a popular metaphysical energy to bring equate back in vogue them-self. One stipulation likewise understand that the color of stones contributes to the metaphysical energies and properties they swallow. Stylish is a list of stones and crystals with metaphysical uses affiliated with them. This list is not all put the last touches on.

Dyed stones and crystals swallow these metaphysical properties:

Red-represents blood and sanctity to some, affiliated with fire, lends gnash and power.

Pink- reassuring and expressive sensations, enthusiasm

Orange- have success, commerce, symbols of the sun

Yellow- Idiom and movement-associated with air

Green- spirit, luxury, groundwork affiliated with earth chiefly but water at mature, the out of the ordinary

Blue- United with water, dreams, emotions, intuition

Purple- United with spiritual healing and mysticism, meditation, psychic work

White- United with the moon, nap, psychism, power

Black- affiliated with Akashic and repelling negativity

Gemstone and Brickwork List:

Agate- Woodenness, gnash, love, healing, protection

Alexandrite- luck, love

Amber- luck, healing, excessiveness, lifeforce energy, beauty, love

Amethyst- dreams, healing, psychism, stillness, love protection, joy

Aquamarine- psychism, stillness, decontamination

Aventurine- mental powers, imagination, luck, money

Azurite- psychism,dreams,forecast

Beryl- psychism, energy, mind-reading psychic reading, healing, love

Bloodstone- healing, have time out untreated, excessiveness, gnash, wealth

Carnelian- protection, sexual energy(libedo), gnash

Cat's-Eye- Beauty, wealth, laying a bet

Citrine- psychism, dissertation, knowledge

Coral- wisdom, healing,

Gemstone (Quartz)- psychism, power, guided point, healing, give to are differrent colors of quartz for diverse uses

Diamond- spirituality, excessiveness, gnash

Emerald- love, money, wisdom, psychicsm

Flourite- mental excessiveness, meditation

Garnet- protection, excessiveness

Geodes- childbirth, luxury, meditation, outcropping of energy

Hematite- groundwork,forecast, healing

Jade- wisdom, love, healing, vitality

Jasper- art rain, healing, beauty

Jet- Akasha knowledge, forecast, luck, protection

Kunzite- reassuring, laid-back

Lapis Lazuli- spiritual psychism, healing

Malachite- protection, magical energy, success

Moonstone- love, nap, psychism, forecast

Onyx- protection, explanation magic

Opal- astral outcropping, psychism, magical power raising, beauty

Ruby- power, wealth, protection, banish sadness

Salt- decontamination, groundwork, protection

Sapphire- psychism, forecast, healing,

Sodalite- meditation, healing, reassuring

Sugilite- spirituality, healing, psychism

Sunstone- healing, commerce success, persuasion, astrophysical energy

Tigers-Eye- gnash, protection, energy, forecast

Topaz- protection, wealth, healing

Turquoise- spirtuality, reassuring, protection, luck