Friday, October 17, 2008

Godsgoddesses Re Looking For The God 2 Are Not Enough And 3 Makes A Cro

Godsgoddesses Re Looking For The God 2 Are Not Enough And 3 Makes A Cro

Soni wrote:

And after that I realized that Sekhmet was the GOD not the Divine being and neighboring without hesitation as I whereas of it, Bastet came to my bother as her be equivalent. In the Egyptian pantheon they're sisters, one related with the sun and other with the moon.

For anything it drive be significance, in prototype Egyptian religion they were each one sun goddesses, it wasn't until the Greek conquest of Egypt that Bast began having ties to the moon, and that came point in the right direction the Greeks, not the Egyptians.

The Egyptians similarly very repetitively worshiped deities in trinities. In Memphis the trinity was Sekhmet, Ptah, and their child Nefertem. Nice does in office its trinities as well, and they pop up on a regular basis in impartially a few prototype pagan religions, so that drive be something to untangle. Of course, maybe two pairs of two is similarly something to have a desire for.

Has any of you ever felt this way and if so how did it end for you? Are you stationary looking for the disoriented nibble(s)?

Yes, a bit. I am directly not so much discerning with the masculinity and break up of roles in that, but at epoch in my path it did band like acquaint with were gaps in other ways. Numerous I rounded in for my part, by shrewdly making the haughty to honor a particular deity to get that compensate (like paired Artemis' disorganized aspects with Hestia's home-focused aspects), other epoch the gaps seemed to introduce themselves in as I gained exceptional understanding, or a new deity came trendy my life in one way or additional.

I know a lot of populace find meaning in working with a god/goddess two of a kind, or a particular problem, or anything also, but for me it really helped to let go of all that the same as I gone Wicca and got trendy other traditions, and best catalog of let bits and pieces fall anywhere they would. Not difficult about such margins really helped me, but that drive not be as easy for individuals who find deeper meaning in individuals areas than I did.

Statistics: Posted by Siona - Fri Sep 26, 2014 3:10 pm