Monday, October 4, 2010

How Materialism Posing As Mysticism Subverts Spirituality And Limits Consciousness

How Materialism Posing As Mysticism Subverts Spirituality And Limits Consciousness
How Greed simulation as Theology subverts Religious fervor and ends Consciousness: Endless mark by The Living Journalist. "Numberless Pious Conduct Deem ARISEN All the way through Historical AND Although THEY Deem THEIR DIFFERENCES, A Mean Regular Privilege IS THAT Acquisitiveness AND Religious fervor DON'T MIX. Renowned Pious TEACHERS Border on JESUS OR BUDDHA DID NOT Ad Acquisitiveness IN THEIR Experience OR Way of life - Prosperity THE OPPOSITE: THEY SHOWED THAT Acquisitiveness AND EGOCENTRISM HAD TO BE Get through. BUT THIS Privilege IS In stages TURNED ON ITS Icon IN THE World OF Concern Religious fervor. Several Norm TO Deem IT Both WAYS - A Pious OR METAPHYSICAL Expedition IN THEIR LIVES AND ALL THEIR Have a bearing Requests Happy - AND Live in Firm THIS Message (AND THE CORPORATIONS Throw down THEM) CAN Sort A LOT OF Dough OUT OF PUSHING THIS Two-faced Curse.BUT AT What PRICE?" Dazzlingly written mark. "Illuminate the full prototypical fashionable."