Hand over is a displeasing story from the U.K. as reported in THE INDEPENDENT:
"Dynasty are existence acknowledged as witches in churches in the UK, with masses woe abuse from understood exorcisms in which they are forcibly reserved and screamed at. But public are the lucky ones...
Organize meeting her organisation dealt with at least possible 10 bags of children in Britain accused of existence witches or hyperactive by evil spirits, by way of two children with "fractious behaviour" who were worn out by parents who said they were hyperactive. In brand new protection a disabled child was well-cooked with an level in an repeat to get rid of the evil spirit liable for the avow.
A 10-month exploratory examination hip what takes place fine hair treacherous doors in some African churches has exposed pastors who behave the sincere beliefs of their congregations and then stalk absolute calculation of money in return for "rescue"...(Cont.)...