Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Us Textbooks Outrageously Innacurate Regarding Israel Jews

Us Textbooks Outrageously Innacurate Regarding Israel Jews


Since do we expect? The dreadfully neo-liberal serious anti-Israel groups that are plunder free the American campuses are also the dreadfully neo-liberal serious anti-Israel groups who are speech the textbooks under contracts from big publishing companies and discrete recognized by the "well ahead" Jews (i.e. self-hating neo-liberal serious anti-Israel) serving on the text-book committees in California and Texas.

By the way, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Persons dreadfully companies who put out your children textbooks are the dreadfully companies who put out their all the same tests--you know, the ones the taxpayers pay for but we aren't acceptable to see, we aren't acceptable to know who grades, we aren't acceptable to know how they are graded, and we aren't acceptable to audit incidentally their questions and their scores--even one time the tests are given? You know, dwell in tests that determine whether your child moves from grade-level to grade-level? You know, dwell in tests that notch your children teachers?

Yeah. Persons tests.

So, I presume my look on that the tests are a way to get take part in of the emergence time and make of course the teachers teach what the loose intersection wants them to charge may not be that far off, right?

In order to on show their classes and their all the same tests, your kids store to drink this stuff whole and declaim it on energy. Considerate, huh?

Oh, but we engage "task" right? Make aware me, please: Who is holding the deed book companies and the test-makers accountable to make of course they are asking fair questions? Who is holding the wonderful companies and test originator accountable for the taxpayers money?

You give pleasure to accountable? Fundraiser THEM accountable.

Appear and open your eyes!


Sep 25, 2008 19:42 Sleek Sep 26, 2008 11:46

'US textbooks lie Jews, Israel'


American basic and high school textbooks remove innumerable "disgusting misrepresentations" of Judaism, Christianity and Israel, according to a book-length study limitless this week by the San Francisco-based Method for Jewish and Suburb Poll.

"It is huge to mark that history and scenery textbooks far off cast-off in America's basic and youngster classrooms remove some of the very dreadfully inaccuracies about Christianity, Judaism and the Average East as dwell in [cast-off] in Iran," the IJCR supposed in a bargain of the consequence of the five-year study.

In examining the 28 supreme widely-used history, scenery and unreserved studies textbooks in America, researchers Dr. Gary Tobin and Dennis Ybarra found some 500 instances of "errors, inaccuracies and even falsehood" on these issues. Tens of millions of schoolchildren in all 50 states use the textbooks, according to Tobin.

Among the "discreditable misrepresentations" the study found was "a deficit of the Jewish line of Jesus," as subsequent to the wonderful The Making relates that "Christianity was started by a countrified Palestinian named Jesus."

"Textbooks contain disparaging stereotypes of Jews, Judaism and Israel," the authors converse. "For pattern, textbooks brain to debase the ties with Jews and the land of Israel."

According to Tobin, "you're radically trimming birth to learn about Jewish terrorism into the future the institution of Israel [in the textbooks] than about terrorism neighboring Israel for example that time."

Among the claims through about Israel in some of the textbooks are that Arab countries never initiated wars neighboring Israel, Arab nations opt compact to the same extent Israel does not and that it was Israel that to be found Palestinians in drifting camps in Arab lands, not Arab governments. No get no matter what was found unfolding to the hundreds of thousands of Jewish refugees from Arab countries who were conjoin out one time the intersection of Israel.

In their healing of Judaism, too, the textbooks showed a disparaging bent, according to the study. They repeatedly expressed a view that "Jews and Judaism are legalistic," and that "Jews care particular about the decoration of the law and fail to spot its spirit," the study found. The Jewish God is free as "stern and aggressive," and not kindly, as is highlighted in other religions. In some instances, Jews are charged with deicide in the execution of Jesus.

The study also found that 18 textbooks cast-off "unscholarly and desolate colorless Shrine expressions for the Jewish scriptures subsequent to discussing the beginning of Judaism."

The study compared language cast-off in describing Jewish and Christian belief with that describing Muslim belief. "The textbooks brain to be unfavorable of Jews and Israel, lively about Christianity, and to some extent than put forward Islam in an theory way, brain to praise it," says Ybarra.

"Textbook publishers repeatedly halt appropriate to Muslim groups for their passage [on Islam] for example they give pleasure to to be crude to Muslim concerns," he explained. "So they converse that Mohammed is a inventive of God, lacking the qualifier you ought to store in a ceremony school that shows you're teaching about religion, to some extent than teaching religion."

One pattern in the midst of the innumerable cited in the study is in Making History: Continuity and Revise, in which a lexicon history on the Ten Commandments describes them as "Slightly laws Moses claimed to store acknowledged from the Hebrew God Yahweh on Instate Sinai."

The dreadfully lexicon describes the Koran as a "Sacred Index of Islam containing revelations acknowledged by Muhammad from God" - lacking a body qualifier.

"Islam is treated with a devotional tone in some textbooks, less cold and nit-picking than it want to be," the study finds. "Muslim beliefs are described in unusual instances as fact, lacking any bright qualifier such as 'Muslims charge....'

"No religion ought to be free in history textbooks as ultimate truth, either on its own or compared to any other, or they all ought to be."

"All in all, exhibit are mechanical misrepresentations that wrapping the line happening excess," the authors converse.

The textbooks examined in the study are published by some of the major publishers in America, through Pearson, an 8 billion dough institution which is one of America's major wonderful publishers, and Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Job, a worldwide organization with revenues accumulation some 2.5 billion.

The publishers, so far, are not bigots, Tobin emphasizes. "I educated in graduate school that you ought to never try to absolve whatever thing with attract subsequent to you can give an account for it with incompetence," he says. "That's what you've got all over. The fact that publishers don't use scholars to converse the textbooks, but amateurs," is a complete pleasingly of the bent in the texts.

"If the character speech about the institution of Israel isn't an satisfactory in the province - and he's not - he'll go to doesn't matter what sources he can find, such as Google. Any polish he finds can get happening the textbooks."

The lack of acquaintance in the midst of the writers is particular one of the innumerable "systemic evils" the study found in the wonderful publishing income. "Upward a wonderful and feat it adopted in the complete states of Texas and California is so costly that particular dwell in competitors with the intimate pockets stand a trust of next. Now three mega-publishers (down from nine in less than twenty years) lane the K-12 wonderful make public, meaning that trimming and trimming titles are dedicated in a reduced amount of hands. Errors in one book now stand a bulky trust of replicating themselves kitty-cornered other books for example they may frame from the dreadfully pleasingly."

These structural weaknesses give up the wonderful struggle liable to call from resolute groups. "We do not charge that wonderful publishers are outer to force to anybody or any group," the authors regard in the study. Great, "they are regulation to all kinds of face pressures so that the self-important search for of truth and faithfulness can be sacrificed to precise interests."

"Arab and Muslim charm groups... cultivate a pro-Arab, pro-Palestinian controller in textbooks' lessons on the Average East," the study finds. "For pattern, the Senate on Islamic Nurture has weighed in inside support processes to resist the clue and unmodified use of the luminary 'Israel' for the Israelite monarchy in textbooks, lest character make the fix with modern Jews' claims to Israel and the terrestrial that existed in the dreadfully notice 3,000 years ago."

Says Tobin: "If the proceed of Iran wants to wreck Israel at the UN, he can use American textbooks to do so."