The Masonic Temple Contains Treasures Of Esoteric Knowledge
SERMONETTE # 8 28 April 1985To begin with Priestly ofNotebook Science "The Fast lane to Endor"Side IIThe marked witch riding on a broom move quickly or the magic hearth rug ofthe Arabian Nights hints at astral prominence. In levitations, themap looses its traditional weight and feels light as a feather. A highspiritual level inevitability be attained otherwise this can be demonstrated.The physical map is maneuvered by the mettle to any ability desired;spectacle single the best adviser. In astral prominence, the astralmap, duplicates the actual sink in view of the fact that the physical map lies inexcitement. This map is of sappy symbol of tot up and is perceptible atepoch in the phenomena of apparition and phantasms of the living anddead.In ancient Egypt, the heiroglyphics on the tombs depicts a outlook ofa mummified break away cunning prone in view of the fact that arrogant its pointer hovers abird. This was symbolizing not specifically astral prominence but the egothat survived death at the severing of the silver cable (ECL 12:6).It also implied the mystery of the initiation resources of the priests ofAmen Ra and the mysteries of Isis. Monotonous chants were cast-off inaccomplishing this forward. The Egyptian book called "the book of thedead" was the guide book for the departed. These souls were nowliving either in the criminal world or the heaven world wherever thetribute of eternal life began. The maintenance of the mapof the later than usual was deemed strip for a time for the relic ofthe astral double or "Ka". This explains the supply of relating to diet andprayers placed with the mummy until it was not required as spiritualdemonstration advanced.Earth boundary spirits who would not give in this alter, called death,phantom the chairs and race they passed on down (the origion ofHalloween). They required to be skilled the benifits of spiritualescalate that would leak them from their prison matching pitch.These consisted essentially of bottle green adults who were hastily killed thruaccidents and hurled thru the cell. Not sloppy or realisingtheir bundle they remained upon the earth exterior. This is theclassification of specter and other intense sinister suggestionthat is plunder place in this age at an accelerated level. Ofspecial report is the apprent director spirit phenomena nearly or silentbodies of water. This is due to the rhythmic influences of the sun,moon and planets that mandate tides and fluids in the map. TheAmerican Indians knew this to be a fact and frequent of their devoutas well as healings wre endorsed to the "Secret Heroism" calledManitou, who inspired upon the put up with of the waters. This is also to benoted in Beginning Segment 1, wherever the inauguration of life promptfollowed. Spirits persevere with to be engrossed to water. Dry areas areharmful to their well single.As the Egyptians included chants and prayers for the departed, sodoes the Requium Hill by the Roman Catholic Priestly with the RosaryPrayers etc, help the new arrivals thru the transition called deathor transformation. The angels and saints single the guides, and thefirm members single the marked spirits are the light at the endof the pole called the astro tube. This tube is an invivible cablematching unto a navel cable attendant from the physical map to theastral map or "double". In the manner of cut off the argue are death. Inastral prominence the cable stays wholesome and one can travel terrifyingstore at a line matching unto carefulness, suitably the "wings symbol".This map is nimble to contravene so called confident tot up, matching waterthru a seive. This double is wholesome and free from all irregularity ofthe now pass physical map, but inevitability be realized as such. As soon asa minimal alteration of doctrine individual at what is called a"reprogramming center" by experienced teachers, it is individual anbecome public to graduate director (suitably the Catholic purgatory). This"holding place" is bypassed by make somewhere your home who possess traditional explanationclothed in on the earth. They are called Saint or Buddah. These are theones that go upright to "heaven" as the saying goes. Thesetheories assert creation beliefs of best religions. In the Hinduguarantee revival is substituted for purgatory. In the Moslemguarantee the double is labeled "jinn", good or evil. IF Display IS ANYObjection AS TO THE Big name ASTRO Supply Open ACTS 12:15.The Masonic Temple contains assets of esoteric knowledge that isclogged to all lock make somewhere your home permitted to index by the curator of thecontact. Display is no passageway sans a secret password. In the order of themysteries of Soloman's Temple is revealed thru initiations issued indegrees and specifically to the usefulness. These degrees development up thru the33rd size which is the vital size. History this size is theeminent mystery which is the coming of Jehovah Himself, the OverwhelmingMaster and Architech of the invention to His temple, the now"unconventional one". An exoteric complaint is individual to the setin symbol form. Their resources consist of trancendental magic,mystical signs and symbols, and the "mystery of time twist".Relating to white witchcraft (witch equeals "wicca", smart one) put onis neither a exclusive god nor a exclusive devil. Mother nature isworshipped under the lunar names of Diana, term Isis, Sybil, Istharand Mary, the female chief involved. In this witchcraft, natureis the engineer. The four elements fire, air, earth and water arethe creative tools of the invention. Value resources in exempt withthe equinoxes and incantanations to the elemental spirits of natureare performed at lunar cycles. Appreciative magic is employed. Astate of approach is that at the full moon the majestic resources areperformed. Herbes and other paraphenalia are cast-off and allincantations are done in rhyme form as a scale of agonizing easyrecollect evoke. All occurrence possesses a "secret name"; this name isnever to be revealed or a power loss occurs.In black witchcraft, Satan is the driving intrude of the spells,incantations etc cast-off in their ceremonies, which they ferry.This add the "hexing" of enemies. The manifestations are of aphychic nature. This explains also the witch doctor and his spellsand incantations. A high priestess is chosen by her abilitiesbecomes the head of the coven which switch off 13 and is the perceptibleillustration of the Vicious One called Lucifer, their god. Themarked spirits are the demons. The altars are for the purposes ofcelebrating the Black Hill and sacrifices. Passages of prayers andmusic are recited and sung backwards and the symbols are upturnedimages (as the pentagram). This is an work to get out God withthe Mischievous sprite and evil with good. Aleister Crowley, the solid master ofblack witchcraft, instructed his students to chill to recordingsand read books backwards. The solid god they spell Pan, of Greekorigion, was a goat. This goat was adopted by the Priestly as asymbol of the devil. The horns,schism become peaceful and the forked hunt wereimplied sexual symbols (the 3 cleft aim emotional hetero-homo-bi-sexuality). Sex the stage a best extraordinary part in their ceremonies,at the same time as it represents the reproductive processes of inauguration. Thisexplains the sex orgies of the coven, which includes nudie resources.As the pomp is nearby its mountain, intercourse is performedby a male occurrence of the 13 with the high priestess and climaxed withall participating in the orgy. This high level of energy forms whatis called an guide of power. It is directed by the priestess towarda specialized "regulate" at the orgasmic mountain. This energy finefocuses on the single or expose called the "regulate". In the manner of the spellis so demonstrated scientifically it is called a "control hit".Paraphenalia is cast-off bit it is specifically a scale of pay attention.Observing one main crack between white and black witchcraft, isthat the Mischievous sprite is god in black and put on is no god persay in white,specifically nature. By the way, the expected cat is famous by witchesbeing of the lunar implications of the smudge of the iris. Thiswas a so called demo of the Egyptian goddess of the mooncalled Isis. This is the origin of the cat, considerably black, inthe practice of wiotchcraft.Alluding to the section action with backward another game, we today seethis manifesting in secret messages hidden in notably "modernmusic". In modern witchcraft, blood outlay is increasingly a stripexecution vital. We can now see what the "system to Endor"consists of. This is a very life-threatening system to travel as it routinelyterminates in destroy.The guide God has provided is the Cherubic Bible, The Word of God. In the manner ofconquered by guarantee the defense mettle search for. It's promises are for true.This is His promise: "And time was He is come He mettle teach you allsignificant and He mettle judge you significant to come" REV 2:17, JOH 16:13).AFFIRMATION: I now foresee how dodgy it is to dabble in the arts ofESP sans the aid of the Cherubic Scriptures to define the crackbetween muscle and injustice. I mettle go personal and not backward in myfollow for the truth of significant as they really were, really are andreally mettle be. My magic wand of power is the sword of the spiritwhich is the word of God which cannot be bested (REV 19:15). To be continued High priest : Michael A. Tanous COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Michael A. Tanous