Monday, December 26, 2005

Shamanic Fellowship Purposes

Shamanic Fellowship Purposes Cover This is an era of decision. Do we allow ourselves to cut the throat of the Mother who has nourished us as a species since we "came down from the trees"? Or do we work to walk in Beauty and Harmony with Her, and cherish Her, and work to see Her healed? The resurgence of Shamanism, the primal Earth Religion of practically all of the Earth's pre- Agrarian cultures, is an important thing, foretold by the Paiute prophet Wovoka and in the Hopi Prophecies. It was said that both the Red Man would return to the Ways of the Old Ones and that the non-Native would also embrace the Lifeway. There are non-Natives who respectfully have chosen these Ways, and are carrying them on in a reverent way. If the Lifeway was only given for the Native peoples, it would die out within our lifetime. There are simply not enough traditional Elders left.

It has been shown to some of us that Our Mother The Earth is not willing to die quietly. She has demonstrated this by the increase in natural disasters of the past decade, which continue day by day. The Hopi Prophecies state that, when the "bowl full of ashes" (most interpret this as the Thermonuclear Bomb) is overturned, that Our Mother shall rise up in Her righteous anger and destroy humanity. This prophecy is coming true, although it may yet be reversible. Perhaps it is we who reverence the Ways and walk in harmony with Our Mother that may stay Her hand.

The Lifeway Fellowship is here for those who wish to honor Our Mother and Our Father, Earth and Sky, and to honor The Giver Of Life, from whence all things flow in the Universe. Our world-view is primarily allied with that of the Navajo/Dineh, Apache/Teneh, and Hopi peoples. However we do not represent ourselves as the keepers of those ways. The secrets of those Nations are for them alone, unless Usen' wishes to reveal them to us. Our mission is to help heal Our Mother, The Earth, and to help each other walk in closer harmony with Her. We also exist to provide a way for urban and suburban people to learn and practice the root Shamanic Techniques that aid us in finding our True Vision and True Way of Power, and following that Vision and that Way.

We identify ourselves as Pagan (Webster's New World Dictionary "1. b)...a person who is not a Christian, Moslem, or Jew (by faith); heathen. Pagan specifically refers to one of the ancient polytheistic (or pantheistic) peoples.") and as unashamed Pantheists and Poly-theists. The Lifeway is truly a religious commitment. No one can make a commitment to the Lifeway and to the worship of Life Giver, The Earth Mother and The Sky Father and remain a worshiper of other Paradigms of the Deity, much as one cannot be a Christian and worship the Greco-Roman pantheon. However this does not imply the condemnation of other Paradigms, nor impel a duty to "convert" others.

We stand by other Pagans who do not share our paradigms, IE. Wiccans, Asatruans, Hellenists, and other Shamanic traditions, (African and neo-African (Santeria & Voudoun), Australian, Siberian, Traditional Native American, and Polynesian, to name a few) and even though we may disagree with some or all of their practices and beliefs, they are Brothers, Sisters and Cousins, and in times of persecution as well as times of goodwill we must defend them. We may even share in their open rituals and allow them to share in our open ceremonials. But That Which is ours must remain ours, just as that which is theirs must remain theirs.

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Carroll Runyon - Magick And Hypnosis
James Lewis - Remanifestation The Process Explained
Bernard King - Meanings Of The Runes
Charles Baize - Pagan Scriptures