Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Triquetra Crop Circle Milk Hill Wiltshire 6Th July 2011

The Triquetra Crop Circle Milk Hill Wiltshire 6Th July 2011
This formation was reported today on the 6th of July at Milk Ridge, sticky Alton Barnes, Wiltshire UK !

The Triquetra ~ A "Trinity snarl"

The Triquetra is three interlocking pieces that stand for the place anywhere three circles would include. In Christian Ireland and other areas, the triquetra was second hand to stand for the Holy Trinity, but the symbol itself far predates Christianity. It has been speculated that the triquetra was a Celtic symbol of feminine spirituality, but it has both been found as a symbol of Odin in the Nordic lands. A few Pagan writers request that the triquetra is the symbol of a triple goddess, but give is no studious hint of a relationship in the middle of any triune goddess and this individual symbol. In some modern traditions, it represents the relationship of bother, coffer and soul, and in Celtic-based Pagan groups it is allegorical of the three realms of earth, sea and sky.

Despite the fact that by and large referred to as Celtic, the triquetra both appears on a rise of Nordic inscriptions. It has been open on 11th-century runestones in Sweden, as well as on Germanic coins. State is a strong comparison in the middle of the triquetra and the Norse valknut design, which is a symbol of Odin himself. In Celtic artwork, the triquetra has been found in the Capture of Kells and other illuminated manuscripts, and it recurrently appears in metalworking and jewelry.

Every now and then, the Triquetra appears within a circle, or with a circle overlapping the three pieces.

The symbol has been second hand by Christians as a sign of the Holy Trinity (Set out, Son and Holy Desire), remarkably since the Celtic Regeneration of the 19th century. Seeing that modern designers began to display the triquetra as a stand-alone design, it recalled the three-leafed shamrock which was too unfilled as a trinity symbol by Saint Patrick. A few continue both suggested that the triquetra has a comparison to the Christian symbol. The triquetra has been second hand outlying on Christian model, vestments, book arts and flawed period. It has been second hand on the big name page and binding of some editions of the New King James Breeze.

A very ordinary look of the symbol is with a circle that goes train the three allied loops of the Triquetra. The circle emphasizes the unity of the whole combination of the three elements.

Extract : Crop Buzz Connector

Coupled Posts :

* 3 Crop Circles at Honeystreet : 26th June & 2 on the 4th of July
* Staggering Crop Buzz at Poirino Italy : 20th June 2011
* The Roswell Site : Documentary Greatest
* The John Searl Story : Blunt Glitter Documentary
* UFO Annals : Black Box UFO Secrets
* Hallowed Geometry and Interconnected Fields : Nassim Haramein