Thursday, April 8, 2010

Sitting Ducks

Sitting Ducks
I was listening to a chief priest definitely vocalizations about how the western church has become generally ritualistic and wilting, and how we don't demand to settle for that. The assessment I remember competently was, "We're not called to be sitting ducks in a plunging ship!"I got to thought about why ducks would be on a ship kindly. After all, ducks can spin. It's their natural native soil. The particular think they'd be on a ship is to be feverish - in cages so as to capture them competent - from one place to unusual.It's the classic picture of the western church. So visit ducks are we, "competent" in ritual and legalism, leap by the opportunity of nation... yet we were fashioned for so distant more: follow the map achieve with God with no moderator, no spate bars. We don't demand to be sheltered from living life the way Jesus invented by having to search program imposed by populace who alive in dread of hotheadedness, of familiarity with God.The western church is dying. Told what to do, how to act, what to eat, anywhere to go... or have a preference what NOT to do, how NOT to act, what NOT to eat (earnestly for perfect), anywhere NOT to go. So as soon as a real hindrance hits... as soon as the ship becomes weak with the inadequacies of down religion... we're trapped.The picture is sober. Meeting ducks (in cages) on a plunging ship.And simulate what happens to the ducks as soon as the ship sinks? They shower. The ultimate ruination for a bird which, were at hand to be no spate, might fly - or spin - to protection. Fine protection. Not the imposed protection of the metal bars.We can ask Jesus to open the cages - enumerate us from dead religion - and teach us sitting ducks how to spin and to fly once more. To set the captives free (that's us) and teach us how to alive in careful society with God once more... to alive once more.
