Sunday, September 5, 2010

Consecrating Magickal Herbs

Consecrating Magickal Herbs
**original representation by: Silver-Lady**


Spry Trace :)))) The same as we use stuff in our rituals and spells we conservatively make sacred them to spay their energy and charge them with our intention. The same as we are working with herbs, we force commonly use them for magickal purposes as well. As a result it would make concern to be discreet in our handling of them and make sacred them to the lead use. Even whatever thing as simple as herbs in tea, to the same degree the herbs produce been handled legally can help to tally up the magickal energy on your cup of tea.

One of the heaps ways we can tally up the magickal energy on our herbs is to make sacred them. If you come into flower your own herbs, you can make sacred the tools that you use to goods them with. Prize them stored in a special place so they force be off for you to use. You can overly make sacred the jars you store them in if you are storing them at home. As you goods the herbs be sure to thank the Divine being for the herbs you are harvesting. If you do not come into flower your own herbs, you can take advantage of a come together distribution. Offer the herbs to the lead using them. So for individual if you bought a bag of rosemary from the cope with, you can make sacred the rosemary itself, and if you are going to store it, the holder you force store it in.

Let's go give instructions a basic consecration in bag you may not be relaxed. The same as we make sacred an item we are cleansing it and blessing it with the four elements. This infuses it with magickal energy and helps it be off for our use. You may use any consecration you wish, there is a simple one for you to use. :

Literal the following:

A paltry basin of sea brackish to move the Earth.

A white rosemary hide pilfer or incense pilfer to move Air.

A white candle to move Flash.

A paltry basin of purified water to move Hose down.

Illumination the candle and the incense as you begin your consecration.

Expression North and intersperse brackish over the tool/herb you are consecrating and say the following:

"Powers of the North,

Guardians of the Earth,

I make sacred this (tool or herb consecrating)

and charge it with your energies.

I spay it this night, and make this tool sacred."

Expression East and excess the aim give instructions the smoke of the rosemary and say the following:

"Powers of the East,

Guardians of the Air,

I make sacred this (tool or herb consecrating)

and charge it with your energies.

I spay it this night, and make this tool sacred."

Expression South and excess the aim condescending the flame of the candle and say the following:

"Powers of the South,

Guardians of Flash,

I make sacred this wand of willow

and charge it with your energies.

I spay it this night, and make this tool sacred."

Expression West, dip your fingers in the water and living example a few drops onto the tool or herb you are consecrating. Say the following:

"Powers of the West,

Guardians of Hose down,

I make sacred this (tool or herb)

and charge it with your energies.

I spay it this night, and make this tool sacred."

Limit the tool or herb to the sky and say the following:

"I charge this wand in the name of Old Ones,

the Ancients, the Sun and the Moon and the Stars.

By the powers of the Earth, of Air, of Flash and of Hose down

I banish the energies of any past owners,

and make it new and unsophisticated.

I make sacred this (tool, herb)

and it is dig up."

Convinced exhibition excess the aim over the brackish and water. I was skilled to do it this way. You can do it either way and it's justified due.

Lots Blessings,

Jasmeine Moonsong