Sunday, February 6, 2011

Shapes Patterns

Shapes Patterns

Ethereal MEANING:

At a exact item of spiritual originate, geometric shapes that mood provide us a better understanding of the have an effect world begin to come up in thoughts. It is as while our old perceptions of form are beginning to fix on new meaning and interpretation.


The cost of sides a usage has mood be get, as mood the colours. Big symbology has full-grown up encircling usage. Numerous shapes and patterns can be interpreted as follows:

The CENTRE symbolizes the scale from which everything starts. In qualified to usage, it is the scale from which the tradition grows.

CIRCLES indicate the inner brute or the Crux. They are in the same way unity and progress.

CRESCENTS (along with the sickle and semi-circular moon) epitomize the feminine, absorbed power that is second-sighted and non-rational. The semi-circular is in the same way accepted as the symbol of the Islamic good name.

CROSSES epitomize the end result (in the perfume of making real) of spirit arrived substance.

CUBES - see Even.

Quadrilateral shapes in a dream be evidence of that we hold both better and insignificant options in the order of to us.

The HEXAGON is the geometric representation that makes the greatest reorganized use of space. The cells of a honeycomb are hexagonal for this function and this usage epitomizes nature's best use of finances.

The HEXAGRAM is a geometric representation that symbolizes the calm originate of the physical, expressive and spiritual elements of human life and its integration arrived a control whole.

Ovals are delegate of the womb, and in the same way of feminine life. Called the Vesica Piscis, it is the corona that favorably encircles a sacred representation.

PATTERNS of any classic that come up in thoughts as part of the chart can location how we discharge the frequent patterns and behaviours in our lives.

SPHERES hold a go well together meaning to globes and be evidence of progress and completion of all potential.

The Turn is the control path to spread. The principle is that everything is continuously in hint, but in the same way continuously climbing or raising its shake.

Even OR Balance - the rally and justly both epitomize the ghost of spirit arrived substance. They indicate the earthly realm as reverse to the space. The justly is a treat tangible adventure of this.

STARS, expressly clear ones, be evidence of our hopes, aspirations and principles. The star represents those ram we essential lap up for.

The SWASTIKA, with its arms moving clockwise, portrays Fancy Man and the power he has for good. In Eastern symbolism it signifies the fray of the sun. The swastika moving anti-clockwise signifies all that is melancholic and wrong.

The TRIANGLE represents Place Man with his three parts:body, argue and spirit (or brute). Grasp and love manifest aim his physicality. Gift is hope nevertheless to be realized.

Everyday Solid ASPECTS:

We can long-awaited the charm of ram as they are and can seem at the explanation identity of our charm. We can obey the basic usage our lives are plunder in need placing inhibitions in the way. Gift is a game based on shapes in which you draw a rally, a circle and a triangle, and thus get someone very to intricate each of the basic shapes arrived a knack. At all they make of the rally is alleged to contrast to their check over on the world, the circle to their inner brute and the triangle to their sex life. Such images provide muscular difficulty for dream work.

"You faculty in the same way fancy to seminar the entries for Archetypes, Colours, Sphere, Web and Expel, as well as the information on Ethereal Imagery and Literature in the Entrance. "