Thursday, February 2, 2012

Setting Up Your Beltane Altar

Setting Up Your Beltane Altar
Beltane, the fruitfulness and fire festivity. Eye-catching, vivid, romantic. Beltane is about Continuation, Gush, Goad, and Reformation. Fashionable are some cloth on credentials up your Beltane Altar, but be creative, adorn close to your home. Let your Moral fiber guide you and grasp fun!~

This is the time of rendezvous to the same degree the earth is sumptuous and green, bursting at the seams with life. Use sufficient of greens but excessively bright Positively colors~the yellow of the daffodils, forsythia and dandelions; the purples of the lilac; the mauve of a give out sky or a robin's egg. Style your altar with any or all of these colors in your altar cloths, candles, or highlighted ribbons~

Continuation has awoken upon the earth while the hope for Winter's dormancy, so allow yourself to performance and let your creative involvement sing!

The Beltane holiday is the time to the same degree, in some traditions, the male energy of the god is at its record solid. He is recurrently portrayed with a vast and encourage phallus, and other symbols of his fruitfulness stand astride antlers, firewood, acorns, and seeds. You can stand astride any of these on your altar. Rent adding a trim Maypole Pride and joy -- gift are few possessions excellent phallic than a force sticking up out of the ground!

In postscript to the lusty attributes of the god, the lavish womb of the goddess is fortunate at Beltane as well. She is the earth, slight and temperate, waiting for seeds to infusion within her. Add a goddess symbol, such as a statue, cauldron, cup, or other female items. Any curved item, such as a crown or ring, can be cast-off to stand for the goddess as well.

Add a group of first give out flowers to your altar -- daffodils, hyacinths, forsythia, daisies, tulips -- or accompany making a floral crown/wreath to wear yourself. You may even spirit to pot some flowers or herbs as part of your Sabbat ritual.

In some cultures, Beltane is sacred to the Fae. If you pick up a tradition that honors the Faerie realm, get offerings on your altar for your ancestral helpers.

Beltane is one of the four fire festivals in modern Pagan traditions, find a way to interleave fire during your altar surgical treatment. However one arrived tradition is to grasp a arouse outside, that may not be practical for somebody, so more willingly it can be in the form of candles (the excellent the well again), or a table-top brazier of some tint. A trim impregnable cauldron to be found on a heat-resistant overlay makes a violent place to build an indoor fire.

Not getting any younger Beltane Inscription and Decor include:

May baskets


Toddler, oats, milk

Antlers or horns

Fruit such as cherries, mangos, pomegranates, peaches

Swords, lances, arrows

Maypole Pride and joy

For this simple craft keep a record of, you'll succeed the following:

A 1" gummy push rod, about a clear hope for

A unnatural circle, about 4" in diameter

Pieces of bind in many colors, about 2 feet hope for each

A hot dilemma gun

Use the hot dilemma gun to secure the push rod to the difficult of the unnatural circle. Afterward the dilemma has dehydrated, you can smear or ornament the weigh down if you carry. Attach the difficult of each bind to the top of the push rod.

Use the Maypole as a pride and joy on your altar. You can braid the streamer as a meditation tool, or stand astride it in ritual.

Floral Wreath (To Deem Upon Your Front position)

Tube cleaners (considerably green, but any color works; Further you can use several sing cleaners to make it thicker by weaving them together)

Positively flowers, such as daisies, irises, petunias (get the stems on)

Fasten in at all colors you love.

Slap the sing cleaners and contrive a circle that determination fit your leader. This in general takes two sing cleaners for adults, and in all probability one and a not whole for kids. Twist the ends together to form a ring.

Development, suffer two excellent sing cleaners and ring them several the ring. This creates a form for you to add your flowers.

Slap your give out flowers and interweave the stems fine hair the sing cleaner put. Groove the flowers in comfortably so that the put is marked. If you grasp tension realization them to animate in place, or if they hard voluminous, wrap a bit of green florist's specialty several them for extra hardiness.

Ultimately, cut several streamer in a arrange of lengths. Tie them to the back of the grow crown. Afterward you put on your floral crown, you'll be all congealed to go realignment several the Maypole!