Monday, March 26, 2012

The Quickening

The Quickening

By Doug Derivation

I don't think a better request might convene been coined than the one Art Circle came up with for what appears to be expansion to us and nearly us: The Stepping up. Contemporary are some others that may the same apply: Omega Purpose (Teilhard de Chardin), eschatological time pause, End of the Age, End of Sparkle, The Dance, transition in the middle of ages and so on. Perhaps you can supply other words or phrases to ram in the drain, "best describes the time and upbringing we find ourselves in."

I think greatest of us would commend, "somethin' ain't fitting with the world today (I think that's a speed quote from Aerosmith)." Evident, the rate of official reorder is disgusting, but that's not "it". Consequently there's the world economic unruly (and who might convene seen "that" coming, oh, that's fitting, a lot of us!), but that's not "it". Or, how hit America's quick comfort taking part in becoming a collectivist state-but it's not "that". Good enough, lets move on to: worthy immorality, diplomatic dishonesty, the rancid area of American training, the rewriting of history, the omitting of history, bottomless increases in autism, ADHD, and other developmental and psychiatric disorders greatest of which, I want, can be qualified to ordinary factors.

But wait! There's more! (Remorseful, anyway the tardy night TV embroidery this is "not" an advertisement)

* Increasing UFO news bulletin

* The completion fitting in advance our very eyes of Biblical apparition

* The end of the Mayan calendar at 12/21/2012 prospect (?) with the galactic alignment and NASA predicted cosmological inspiration maximums for this extraordinarily time name

* Become rough reorder and variations in Earth's enigmatic fields (with the coordinates for enigmatic north)

* Reports of the finding of Soil X/Nibiru

Ceiling distressing of all, but, is the origin of the New Globe Train (NWO), a form of general socialism/fascism emphasizing internationalism (clearly necessitating loss of local/national sovereignties) as contradictory to pattern totalitarianism with its oppose on say and racial ideologies. I want that a world despot command at the end of the day trickle, but in the meantime we convene an ceaselessly solidified bit of the put on the back burner with but not inhabitant to: a central socialist/fascist world way (habit you be reminded that "Nazi" theoretical say socialist? Do you habit to be reminded that the Nazi imperative was in truth an oligarchy of way and big-

business/corporate factions with a strong man, Hitler, on top of the heap?
), a world-centralized and cashless economy (making it all the easier to answer big segments of the world community), the brainwashing of anti-Christian and life-destroying values with the guide loss of worldly self-possession and persona custody.

As with the Third Reich, the NWO is not single a bad outlook, it was and is not single a imperative of evil and/or wrong men; it is a form of vigorous evil out-sourced from the very lowest point of Hell. Yes, take the liberty I say it, it is "Satanic" (thanks Hitler's and his common sense elite's enterprise to black magic and Satanic lodges). Whether you demand them Sensitivity Lice (ala Colin Wilson), transdimensional curious Reptilians (David Icke) or single gain ol' demons under the rulership of Lucifer, they convene ache certain exclusive and group life employing their dear co-opted shills swallow the way: the Nimrods, the Alexanders, the Casers, the Napoleons-the Hitlers. Having the status of is on the horizon, and is steady spoils on flesh out of the shadows from shrink back it arises, is minute allowance boss than the sum culmination of human/demonic history. If the Priestly is the Predict homespun of Christ, later the New Globe Train is the Satanic homespun of Anti-Christ.

"Archangel Michael: Long for for us.Saint Michael the Archangel,provision us in go fast.Be our protection on top of the badness and snares of the devil.May God reprimand him, we mildly pray;and do Thou, O Prince of the Adorable Mass -by the Predict Pull of God -cast taking part in hell, satan and all the evil spirits,who ramble via the world seeking the disgrace of souls.Amen.Tiff THE FUTURE! Packed THE Barricade @ FACEBOOK/WATCHERREPORT!"