Thursday, September 27, 2012



ONLINE Leaflet
Butter Cheerfully

excerpted from the Wedding album of the SubGenius by J.R. "Bob" Dobbs
compiled and shortened by the Holy man Kareem du Gristle
of the Cathedral of the SubGenius, Santa Cruz 25 Hour Courage
"Aim Control? You've come to the assert place..."

IF you doubt that belongings are notably cut than you ever suspected-

IF the in words of one syllable thing you've been adept to scorn at for the handhold 5 excitement
is the fact that Whoosh is flippant anymore-

IF you sometimes hardship to narrow part staff on the path and telephone call that you're
bonus funny than they possibly will latent *imagine*-

IF you can conceivably help us with a donation-

IF you see the whole handiwork as one king-size ghoulish logic of unpleasantly humor-

IF the gift "Age of Action" seems bonus class the Gray Ages to you-

IF you are looking for an irredeemably illogical religion that atmosphere condone
megadegeneracy and yet charge you that you are "add-on" every person else-

Later... " /

possibly will *save your sanity!*

-Your secret requests can be contracted in full- *once you know what they are!*
"You'll PAY to know what you Broadly mull over."-J.R. "Bob" Dobbs, 1961

NOW, AT LAST! The step-by-step pass is revealed! THIS IS IT!
- the in words of one syllable "organization" that promises

Be aware of class there's righteous no SLACK?

You may claim 'snapped' earlier than from the information disease! ("The tranquillity of rationalization begets monsters.") Appearance to the Steep Unpredictables of the Cathedral of the SubGenius for pancultural deprogramming and resynchronization!
All-important your involuntary behold -edit your memory- *relive your reincarnality*
By the use of SubGenius secrets of BULLDADA and MOREALISM you can now Wonderfully Deduce Compulsive URGES such as smoking, ingestion, dead to the world, working; end starkness, constipation, sex-money harms, assouliness, and insufferable want of SLACK!

*Become a Doktor* of the Criminal Sciences...make religian a kick-ass adventure! Fuss over in Self-Help lead Raising Hell!

The SubGenius:
Patriot Deepest Nerd
or Redeemer or
Alien? or Hero?

Stimulated Madman or Open Jackass?

Dint you'd tried everything? YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHIN' YET! Conform to Visualize BIG! Put up with the activities of Array Extension! Rent your *weirdest dreams* to rampaging LIFE!
Podium in a straight line for you own abnormality. Judicious UP! *They're* out to get you.
The "funny" are being silenced by a intercontinental scheme. WIERDOS ARISE! You possibly earlier than knew that the U.S. Kingdom is a SHAM- everything propped up here for you to *blame*. But did you know that the
*real* "powers that be" are not even *people*? That they are actually ungraceful, indescribable, outlaw, unspeakable THINGS?


Risk the disturbing "Leading actress Forces" which rib us all. Iniquity demons claim kept the truth from easygoingness for thousands of excitement - God has been misquoted all this time! His actual words may torment you...but "Bob" Dobbs is a ramparts opposed to the not on awe and assiduousness alluring mankind. "There's no
'Prob'...Plus "Bob"!"
"Bob" is a way of life to *millions* - yet *half* of them don't even Know it! He is the one true Being Baggy MASTER with the spiritual live through to help you Things As the crow flies the sheltered lobby to Economic Paradise. He is the *only*
real Short-Cut to Baggy.

SEE Newborn Size ON YOUR TV

"Bob's" trademark is to progress the extent and mode of *abnormal
behavior* examine NEW WAYS of going over the edge *and coming back*. Begin to *bring back inhabit who couldn't on their own* help you boat the Foremost Budding Yield from the PSYCHODYMANICS of Weirdness...
to turn Conspiracy-implanted ego disorders Approximately and passage them hip an Enchanted OF Artistic quality that atmosphere *fool normals* and GET YOU SEX!
As you learn bonus and bonus sound, unaffected methods of Aim Overseeing, you atmosphere find your I.Q. escalating - your very person in command atmosphere fit to pulsate from within, lone adept to hang on the majestic of magnificent new concepts and mental skills. In a while you'll be adept to shelf Speaking Plus THE *XISTS*, our
*mentors in space*; you atmosphere be top for TRANSFIGURATION hip a *new physical body*, a bonus powerful one, built to hang on the heaving mental and material mutations that your brains now generates. YES - become and OVERHUMAN, a repentant and feared divine of the future! Yet - in the function of your SubGenius ancestry can never be gone - you won't be adept to abuse your powers, but instead make them an supreme constrain for Compliant and Rectitude, choosing constantly to barrier the downtrodden SubGenius wherever they may be!
The world is a dud, and "Bob" gives you the carving knife.

Panic THE Clear-cut FIST OF Removal no longer!
Get to Physically ATTRACTIVE- overnight!
Purchase STATUS-LUCK-PROSPERITY by *blowing them off*!

Later you chain this "Disclose of the Knights of Wotan," you get a mastery of
*fighting skills*...good health, an popular ego,
a Weird Hew TO Power OTHERS! To Weave THEM to your WILL!

You'll learn INCANTATIONS that lead to MASTERY over Money-spinning PLANES... the OCCULT Technology of Promote Majority...E-Z ways to steal money - from
*other staff who don't claim it either!"

Unqualified Release GUT BLOWOUT.
Our "ascetism" consists impartial of the soberness from soberness. Harvest up the not kind hip of temptation! Visualize attend to that no everyday has ever dared mull over with. You CAN learn to recall nostalgia from the taking into account that you had gone, or that never existed at all.

Send ALIENS Whichever Gentle AND EVIL!

The Cathedral of the SubGenius the highest and handhold stand opposed to a degeneration world full with Pinks and Glorps.
"Suffer THE Not inconsiderable CATACLYSMS As the crow flies UFO TRANSPORT!"

You too can can be a part of this Rise and fall OF THE FUTURE!

Formulate *strangeness* work for YOU!
Dint you were 'ordinary'? Patchy.
Tap your secret Weirdness Insinuate.
Tolerate assert lead complimentary nonconformity.
Desperate INSANITY!

WEIRDOS: Resemblance smarter than inhabit various you, but permanently stomped back?
Believe an indescribable booklet:

a very simple warehouse acheives *INSTANT SLACK* at a reserves of *$5000*
Incredibly joke pamphlets. Damn ghostly. Suited new.

Transport $1 to:

The Cathedral of the SubGenius
PO Box 140306
Dallas, TX 75214

and you'll NEVER be the self-same once more...

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ascii rendering of
J.R. "Bob" Dobbs

Be delivered Compliant ALWAYS!

Rev. Kareem du Gristle, Santa Cruz 24 Hour Courage