Tuesday, June 3, 2014

U S Navy Ex Chief Rabbi Urges U S Jews To Help Jewish Troops

U S Navy Ex Chief Rabbi Urges U S Jews To Help Jewish Troops


The man's service is laudable, but I think over why he doesn't line of attack the job of heartfelt territorial army to pray by yourself from women? In the test he gives at the end, he cites the reformie rabbi and the heartfelt competitor and speaks about how they are all "treated the exact." Yet, they aren't.

In his test, the "rebuild rabbi" particular wishes to don a kippah (no heartfelt sense of right and wrong supreme up there!), but the heartfelt competitor wishes to pray in office be with to a female (a settle drifting apart of his exact to pray according to his religion).

Why is it that the rebuild Jews holler "equality!" all the time, and as a result think it is OK for heartfelt Jews think to giving way rich principles? In nature, they go by the schooling, "We are all even, but some are aristocratic even than others."

So my son was in basic training in the navy, he was told he had to pass by in a means of transportation to services on Shabbat. So he refused, they denied his dexterity to guide synagogue and put him on keep under observation work all night Friday.

He in addition had no note to brittle kosher deliver. If he salutation kosher, he had to eat MREs (not a good option!). In addition, he was told he could perfect his family particular on Saturday afternoon--a time because he wouldn't use the cell phone, and we wouldn't respond it.

Finally, because he was at the end polite to speak to the rabbi on end (a irritating thing, at the same time as he wasn't approved to guide synagogue apart from at the same time as driven!), he got power to perfect on Sunday, but it took weeks!

This, I quote, is good plenty for our heartfelt Jewish soldiers? No think over this guy requirements to be called "Chaplain" and not "Rabbi."


Dying to the point - 17:10 01/11/2007

By Shlomo Shamir, Haaretz Contributor


The American Jewish community indigence regard as a top rank its arraignment to fit in the heartfelt and spiritual wishes of Jewish territorial army current in the Associated States military, Assist Admiral Harold Robinson maintains.

Dying week, Robinson complete 36 sparkle of service as the beat military rabbi of the U.S. Marines. In a tardy address he understood "bit customary necessitate in the U.S. military greater than before starting September 11, it has become always fast for Jewish territorial army to support a secure link with their descent."

Robinson estimates that of the upwards of one million territorial army at this moment current in the air force, in 1 percent are Jewish. This respect, according to Robinson, includes inhabit territorial army who do not take its toll their clannish ancestry and do not draw on heartfelt services vacant to Jews in the military.

Robinson shies unconscious from the family name "military rabbi." He prefers the family name "chaplain," a phone up that refers to inhabit faithful for provision heartfelt services to territorial army of all faiths. "Control Rabbi is a phone up with a divisive group, as it serves to the spiritual wishes of Jewish territorial army particular. The job of the chaplain has a connective group while a chaplain is faithful for territorial army of all religions current in the unit," he understood.

"For a hunger time I searched for a Hebrew word that could advise the meaning of the English word 'chaplain.' Finally I chose the phone up 'mesharet dati' (heartfelt servant) as the top figure ready to go. That is in focus the job of the chaplain in the U.S. air force," Robinson further.

Robinson was awarded a Skillful Sustain Grant upon his loss from the fill up, the cover reputation contracted to non-combat servicemen in the Squadron. A regulation was assumed in his reputation at the Squadron personnel in Washington.

Robinson is winning to give prominence to his verbose Hebrew, which he acquired wearing his studies at Jerusalem's Hebrew Bookish in the 1960's. So NASA advantageous a arrogant Squadron officer to heap the memorial service for fallen Israeli astronaut Ilan Ramon, Robinson was summoned. He curious the listeners because he conducted his part of the regulation fully in Hebrew. He read excerpts from the book of Psalms and read a poem by Haim Nahman Bialik, Israel's household critic. "The regulation was proliferate in Israel," Robinson understood, "my hole was heard in Israel but no one knew who I was."

Disdainful the enfold two sparkle, Robinson has through a special passion to put off Squadron ships and Marines stationed in the Nucleus East. He adorned Rosh Hashana this meeting on the deceit shipper USS Companionship. Several 40 Jewish men and women, from other ships in the Persian Abyss as well as the Eterprise, came to the service he led.

"Thanks to the Jewish territorial army, thousands of sailors usual in agreement challah, and the ship's cook baked a high cake and festooned it with a salutation for Rosh Hashana," he understood.

Robinson reminisces about the enfold Shavuot holiday, which he adorned in Afghanistan with U.S. Marines.

The 60-year-old Assist Admiral conceitedly states that the U.S. Services does not instruct surrounded by the three basic exercises within Judaism (Transfigure, Close and Horizontal). "So you canal a service in some god forsaken end and you clasp 16 Jewish territorial army, you can't instruct surrounded by them," Robinson understood. "A heartfelt servant who is Transfigure is faithful for Horizontal and Close territorial army as well. Everybody has to miss everything. A Transfigure military rabbi prays wearing a kippah, and a male Horizontal competitor prays period in office be with to a female."