Sunday, August 20, 2006

Issue 23 July 2008 Vol 2 Power Animals And Totems

Issue 23 July 2008 Vol 2 Power Animals And Totems Cover

Book: Issue 23 July 2008 Vol 2 Power Animals And Totems by Correllian Times Emagazine

The Correllian Times E-magazine is available free of charge. Help this project and many others - buy a supporting membership to The Correllian Times features articles, reports on events, photos, artwork, poetry, and more! To download a .pdf copy of the magazine, click on the link above. Each issue will have its own link, listed by date.

In this e-magazine you can learn more about the Correllian Tradition, its leading members, locations around the world, legally incorporated churches, and enjoy photo essays about Correllian events. The Correllian Nativist Tradition is the largest and fasted growing Wiccan Tradition in the world. Many Correllian organizations having state level incorporation in their own right include Heritage Temple, Selu Temple, Enchanted Realm Temple, and the Correll Mother Temple itself among others. The Correllian Nativist Tradition has locations in countries around the world including the USA, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Denmark, Sweden, Uruguay, Mexico, Belgium, Argentina, and Spain and members in many other places including Peru, Brazil, Hong Kong and Singapore. The Correllian Tradition is dedicated to the Advancement of the Pagan people. We believe strongly in the need for increased communication and co-operation between Pagans everywhere, from all Traditions.

We stress the importance of the Pagan Clergy as teachers and facilitators, and the need for a strong public presence. The Correllian Tradition emphasizes celebratory as well as Initiatory Wicca, and is strongly committed to accessible public ritual. But perhaps the one thing that most sets Correllian Wicca apart is that we have embraced the internet as an educational tool.

Correspondence teaching is nothing new in Wicca, but we were the first to utilize the internet as a serious tool for training new initiates. This has brought great expansion and many changes to our Tradition, and we are still in the process of mastering this new teaching medium.

Correllian Wicca different from many other Traditions of Wicca is that we are a unified Tradition with a single leadership. Although increasing numbers of Correllian Temples have their own incorporation, they are they are all part of one Tradition, an inter-dependent whole which stands together as a family.

The entire world-wide Tradition has a single structure allowing us to act together as few other Traditions can. The leading bodies of the Correllian Tradition include; The Witan Council, which is made up of all Temple Heads, Elders, and Officers of the Tradition; And the Correllian Council of Elders which includes the Heads and Officers of the Tradition, and its most respected members. (information from respected site

Download Correllian Times Emagazine's eBook: Issue 23 July 2008 Vol 2 Power Animals And Totems

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Correllian Times Emagazine - Issue 26 October 2008 Vol 1 Blessed Samhain
Correllian Times Emagazine - Issue 22 June 2008 Blessed Midsummer Solstice
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Correllian Times Emagazine - Issue 23 July 2008 Vol 2 Power Animals And Totems

Monday, August 7, 2006

Celtic Animal Birth Signs

Celtic Animal Birth Signs Cover Date of Birth: December 24 - January 20
Animal: Stag
Gaelic Name: Damh (Approximate Pronunciation: Dav)
Ruling Planet: The Sun
Key Words: Independence, Majesty, Integrity, Pride
Gift Quality or Ability: Sensitivity to Other Worlds, shape shifting,
initiation, journeying
Birthstone: Crystal
Compatibility: Harmonious relations with the signs of adder and salmon. Will also relate well to the signs of seal, otter & goose. Difficulties may be expected in relation to all other signs.

Date of Birth: January 21 - February 17
Animal: Crane
Gaelic Name: Corr (Approximate pronunciation: Corr)
Ruling Planet: Uranus
Key Words: Secret Knowledge, Eccentric, Patient
Gift Quality or Ability: Crane people are unusually clever people with specialized skills and talents, with a progressive outlook on life. Sense of the evolving spirit. Sensitivity to the other world, journeying, magick.
Birthstone: Peridot
Compatibility: Harmonious relations with the signs of bee and swan. Will also relate well to the signs of bear, owl and cat. Difficulties may be expected in relation to all other signs.

Date of Birth: February 18 - March 17
Animal: Seal
Gaelic Name: Ron (Approximate pronunciation: Ron)
Ruling Planet: Neptune
Key Words: Spiritual, Loving, Super-sensitive.
Gift Quality or Ability: Seal people tend to have great compassion and are highly adaptable folk. They are also the romantics and dreamers of life. Artistic and emotional. Sensitivity to the other world. Shape changing and connection with the Faerie folk.
Birthstone: Coral
Compatibility: Harmonious relations with the signs of otter and goose. Will also relate well to the signs of salmon, stag, and adder. Difficulties maybe expected in relation to all other signs.

Date of Birth: March 18 - April 14
Animal: Bear
Gaelic Name: Art (Approximate pronunciation: A as in cat, R as in English, T as
in English Chin. AiRCH)
Ruling Planet: Mars
Key Words: Achieving, Primal Power, Instinct.
Gift Quality or Ability: Bear people are very connected to their ancestral roots. Filled with courage and a sense of adventure. Extremely physical, extroverts. Protection, journeying, and sensitivity to the other world.
Birthstone: Ruby
Compatibility: Harmonious relations with the signs of cat and owl. Will also relate well to the signs of crane, bee and swan. Difficulties may be expected in relation to all other signs.

Date of Birth: April 15 - May 12
Animal: Adder
Gaelic Name: Nathair (Approximate pronunciation: na-CHair. N, a in cat, T as in
Chin, h - silent, air.)
Ruling Planet: Moon
Key Words: Transformation, Healing, Life Energy.
Gift Quality or Ability: Adder people have a virtue of resourcefulness, that is one of their greatest strengths. Strong interest in family. Excellent memory. Drawn to natural methods of healing. Healing, magick, shape shifting and initiation.
Birth Stone: Moonstone
Compatibility: Harmonious relations with the signs of stag and salmon. Will also relate well to the signs of seal, otter and goose. Difficulties may be expected in relation to all other signs.

Date of Birth: May 13 - June 9
Animal: Bee
Gaelic Name: Beach (Approximate pronunciation: beh-ach. B, E as in gEt, A as in
cAt, CH as in German iCH.)
Ruling Planet: Vulcan
Key Words: Organization, Community, Analytical.
Gift Quality or Ability: Bee people are very charismatic and full of new ideas. Lively spontaneity and the ability to communicate on every level. Influential and very social. Fertility and creativity.
Birth Stone: Topaz
Compatibility: Harmonious relations with the signs of crane and swan. Will also relate well to the signs of bear, cat and owl. Difficulties may be expected in relation to all other signs.

Date of Birth: June 10 - July 7
Animal: Otter
Gaelic Name: Dobhran (Approximate pronunciation: dav-rhan.)
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Key Words: Family, Helpfulness, Intuitive.
Gift Quality or Ability: Otter people are enterprising with a wide breadth of vision. Very optimistic with a personal magnetism. Protection, shape shifting, and journeying.
Birth Stone: Diamond
Compatibility: Harmonious relations with the signs of goose and seal. Will also relate well to the signs of salmon, adder, and stag. Difficulties may be expected in relation to all other signs.

Date of Birth: July 8 - August 4
Animal: Cat
Gaelic Name: Kati (Approximate pronunciation: ka-Chi.) Ruling Planet: Earth
Key Words: Creative, Sensual, Nobility
Gift Quality or Ability: Cat people have a strong sense of personal integrity and a firm set of values. Loyal and trustworthy. Deep devotion to family. Affectionate. Protection, shape shifting and sensitivity to the other world.
Birth Stone: Red Carnelian
Compatibility: Harmonious relations with the signs of owl and bear. Will also relate well to the signs of the crane, bee, and swan. Difficulties may be expected in relation to all other signs.

Date of Birth: August 5 - September 1
Animal: Salmon
Gaelic Name: Bradan (Approximate pronunciation: bra-TAN.)
Ruling Planet: Mercury
Key Words: Wisdom, Inspiration, Rejuvenation
Gift Quality or Ability: Salmon people have knowledge of the arts and science as well as good reasoning powers. Perceptive and clever. Keen observers. Initiation, shape shifting, connection with Faerie.
Birth Stone: Amethyst
Compatibility: Harmonious relations with the signs of adder and stag. Will also relate well to the signs of otter, seal and goose. Difficulties may be expected in relation to all other signs.

Date of Birth: September 2 - September 29
Animal: Swan
Gaelic Name: Eala (Approximate pronunciation: ellah.) Ruling Planet: Venus
Key Words: Beauty, Love and Soul.
Gift Quality or Ability: Swan people are kind and gentle, adept in love and the social arts. Calm and serene with a strong domestic sense. Connection with faerie, shape shifting, and creativity.
Birth Stone: Emerald
Compatibility: Harmonious relations with the signs of crane and bee. Will also relate well to the owl, cat and bear. Difficulties may be expected in relation to all other signs.

Date of Birth: September 30 - October 27
Animal: Goose
Gaelic Name: Geadh (Approximate pronunciation: Gia-gh.) Ruling Planet: Moon
Keywords: Veiling, Direction, Vigilance, Stamina
Gift Quality or Ability: Goose people are generous providers but also thrifty savers and investors regarding their future security. They have a sharp intellect as well as a wit. Artistic. Protection, fertility, and creativity.
Birth Stone: Opal
Compatibility: Harmonious relations with the signs of seal and otter. Will also relate well to the signs of adder, stag and salmon. Difficulties may be expected in relation to all other signs.

Date of Birth: October 28 - November 24
Animal: Owl
Gaelic Name: Cailleach-oidhche (Approximate pronunciation: Kall-eeck Oheeche.)
Ruling Planet: Pluto
Keywords: Wisdom, Change, Detachment.
Gift Quality or Ability: Owl people have a powerful presence and personal magnetism that can both attract and overpower sensitive people. Highly imaginative and passionate. Initiation, sensitivity to the other world, magick.
Birth Stone: Jasper
Compatibility: Harmonious relations with the signs of cat and bear. Will also relate well to the signs of bee, swan and crane. Difficulties may be expected in relation to all other signs.

Date of Birth: November 25 - December 22
Animal: Raven
Gaelic Name: Bran (Approximate pronunciation: Bran.)
Ruling Planet: Saturn
Birth Stone: Lapis Lazuli
Gift Quality or Ability: Raven people have a constructive approach to life. They will continue a struggle that would defeat most people. They are very self-disciplined and patient. Shape shifting, sensitivity to the other world, connection to the Faerie.

Suggested free e-books to read:

Anonymous - Beltane Pagan Ritual Of Interest To Neo Pagans
John Dee - La Tabula Sancta French Version
Alexander Mackenzie - The Celtic Magazine Vol Xi
Alexander Mackenzie - The Celtic Magazine Vol Xi Orc Version