Sunday, September 24, 2006

Shamanic Group Structure And Initiation Practices

Shamanic Group Structure And Initiation Practices Cover There is only one Initiation, which is the Initiation that makes one Kin within the group and in the sight of The Deities. It is given after one has taken their first Vision Quest, has found Their Power Animal(s) and has met the Shaman Within. It can only be denied to those who have met these requirements, is younger than the legal Age Of Consent (in most places, 18 years) is not of sound mind, and/or is under suspicion of being a Law Enforcement Officer or other person antipathetic to Pagan and/or Shamanic belief who requests initiation for fraudulent purposes (usually to infiltrate to either sabotage or publicly discredit the Fellowship) Initiation must not be denied on account of physical disabilities, blindness, deafness, or sterility, nor on account of sex, race, nationality, political belief, or sexual preference.

There are no set offices within the Fellowship. Ideally, leadership should be by consensus, with true leaders being temporary and purpose-oriented. Facilitation of rituals may be done by any Initiate of the Fellowship. ANYONE WHO REPRESENTS THEM-SELVES AS A HIGH PRIEST/ESS OF THE LIFEWAY SHAMANIC FELLOWSHIP IS A FRAUD, AND IS DOING SO CONTRARY TO THIS STATEMENT OF Principles AND ETHICS.

Support of the Fellowship is done on a purely voluntary and mutual basis. No tithe or dues should be assessed unless they have been agreed upon by all members, initiates and non-initiates alike.

Membership is extended to all. But initiation is reserved for those who meet the criteria mentioned above. Non-initiates can participate in open ceremonials and in basic workshops, but may be denied Participation in certain ceremonials and advanced workshops.

Suggested free e-books to read:

Sandra Ingerman - Shamanic Journeying A Beginner Guide
Max Heindel - Ancient And Modern Initiation
Gerald Elmore - Mantle Of Initiation Or Al Khirqah
Louis Claude De Saint Martin - Man His True Nature And Ministry