PrayerLogic class: Code:
sachet ma?tre d'.game.panel.skills.prayer;cope with ma?tre d'.game.panel.Client;/** * Summons logic class that holds the enum evidence and handles all the relevant logic floor @link Prayer. * @author Tyler (Zivik) */collective class PrayerLogic { /** * Hand-me-down to choke if the prayer exists via the action clicked. * * @param action - action character checked * @return - if it exists */ collective even now boolean isPrayer(int action) { /**Getting the prayer from the map.*/ Summons p = Summons.getPrayer().get(action); /**Return untrue if it doesn't stay, or not untrue if it does.*/ return (p != untrue); } /** * Summons activation/deactivation. * * @param composer - composer activating/deactivating a prayer. * @param prayer - prayer character activated/deactivated. * @return - (true) if valuable activation/deactivation. (faithless) if not. */ collective even now boolean onPrayerClick(Customer composer, int prayer) { /** * Attainment the prayer from the map. */ Summons p = Summons.getPrayer().get(prayer); /** * If the prayer doesn't stay, return so we don't get null-pointers! */ if (p == untrue) return false; /** * If the composer is using a curse prayer and doesn't seize the curses book, return faithless. */ if (p.getNormal() == faithless & resetPrayer(composer, p); return false; } /** * If the composer is using a open prayer and isn't in the open book, return faithless. */ if (p.getNormal() == true & resetPrayer(composer, p); return false; } /** * If the panel prayer level is less then the level hunted, return so they can't use the prayer. */ if (composer.getPA().getLevelForXP(composer.playerXP[composer.playerPrayer]) < p.getLevelRequired()) { composer.getDH().sendStatement("You make necessary a Summons level of " + p.getLevelRequired() + " to use @blu@" + p.getName() + "@bla@."); composer.sendMessage("You make necessary a Summons level of " + p.getLevelRequired() + " to use " + p.getName() + "."); resetPrayer(composer, p); return false; } /** * If the composer has various prayer activated of the awfully type, we'll turn out it. */ for (int i = 0; i < p.getDisable().length; i++) { if (!player.prayerActive[p.getDisable()[i]]) continue; composer.prayerActive[p.getDisable()[i]] = false; composer.getPA().sendFrame36(p.getDisable()[i], 0); } /** * This confer on activate/deactivate the prayer. */ composer.prayerActive[p.getId()] = !player.prayerActive[p.getId()]; /** * If the prayer is now alert, let's halt to get to it it. */ if (composer.prayerActive[p.getId()]) { /**If the prayer contains a headicon, let's put it on.*/ if (p.getHeadIcon() != -1) composer.headIcon = p.getHeadIcon(); /**If the prayer contains an vitality, let's start the vitality.*/ if (p.getAnimation() > 0) composer.startAnimation(p.getAnimation()); /**If the prayer contains graphics, let's start the graphics.*/ if (p.getGraphics() > 0) composer.gfx0(p.getGraphics()); /** * If it's no longer alert, let's shut down it. */ } as well { resetPrayer(composer, p); } composer.getPA().requestUpdates(); return true; } /** * Resetting a prayer (disabling or sports car disabling). * * @param composer - composer we're resetting the creature prayer * @param p - prayer character reset. */ all-embracing even now reserve resetPrayer(Customer composer, Summons p) { /** * Chastely remove the head-icon if the prayer we're removing has a head-icon. */ if (p.getHeadIcon() >= 0) composer.headIcon = -1; composer.getPA().requestUpdates(); composer.getPA().sendFrame36(p.getGlow(), 0); composer.prayerActive[p.getId()] = false; } collective enum Prayers { /** * Arrange prayers */ THICK SKIN(new Summons(21233, 1, 83, -1, 0, 1, new int[][] {5, 86, 13, 92, 24, 607, 25, 608}, "Spacious Facial appearance", true)), //0 BURST OF STRENGTH(new Summons(21234, 4, 84, -1, 1, 1, new int[][] {6, 87, 14, 93, 24, 607, 25, 608}, "Jet of Soundness", true)), //1 CLARITY OF THOUGHT(new Summons(21235, 7, 85, -1, 2, 1, new int[][] {7, 15, 24, 607, 25, 608}, "Innocence of Tinge", true)), //2 SHARP EYE(new Summons(70080, 8, 601, -1, 3, 1, new int[][] {11, 603,
, 605}}, "Sharp Eye", true)), //3 MYSTIC WILL(new Summons(70082, 9, 602, -1, 4, 1, new int[][] {12, 604, 20, 606}, "Soothsayer Stimulus", true)), //4 ROCK SKIN(new Summons(21236, 10, 86, -1, 5, 2, new int[][] {0, 83, 13, 92, 24, 607, 25, 608}, "Tower of strength Facial appearance", true)), // 5 SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH(new Summons(21237, 13, 87, -1, 6, 2, new int[][] {1, 84, 14, 93, 24, 607, 25, 608}, "Superhuman Soundness", true)), //6 IMPROVED REFLEXES(new Summons(21238, 16, 88, -1, 7, 2, new int[][] {2, 85, 15, 94, 24, 607, 25, 608}, "Top Reflexes", true)), //7 RAPID RESTORE(new Summons(21239, 19, 89, -1, 8, 0.4, new int[][] , "Brief Restore to health", true)),//8 RAPID HEAL(new Summons(21240, 22, 90, -1, 9, 0.6, new int[][] , "Brief Consider", true)),//9 PROTECT ITEM(new Summons(21241, 25, 91, -1, 10, 0.6, new int[][] , "Restrain Business", true)),//10 HAWK EYE(new Summons(70084, 26, 603, -1, 11, 1.5, new int[][] {3, 601,
, 605}}, "Hawk Eye", true)), //11 MYSTIC LORE(new Summons(70086, 27, 604, -1,12, 2, new int[][] {4, 602, 20, 606}, "Soothsayer Lore", true)),//12 STEEL SKIN(new Summons(21242, 28, 92, -1,13, 4, new int[][] {0, 83, 5, 86, 24, 607, 25, 608}, "Blade Facial appearance", true)),//13 ULTIMATE STRENGTH(new Summons(21243, 31, 93, -1, 14, 4, new int[][] {1, 84, 6, 87, 24, 607, 25, 608}, "Acute Soundness", true)),//14 INCREDIBLE REFLEXES(new Summons(21244, 34, 94, -1, 15, 4, new int[][] {2, 85, 7, 88, 24, 607, 25, 608},"A touch Reflexes", true)),//15 PROTECT FROM MAGIC(new Summons(21245, 37, 95, 2, 16, 4, new int[][] {17, 96, 18, 97, 21, 98, 22, 99, 23, 100}, "Restrain from Mystic", true)), //16 PROTECT FROM MISSILES(new Summons(21246, 40, 96, 1, 17, 4, new int[][] {16, 95, 18, 97, 21, 98, 22, 99, 23, 100}, "Restrain from Missiles", true)),//17 PROTECT FROM MELEE(new Summons(21247, 43, 97, 0, 18, 4, new int[][] {16, 95, 17, 96, 21, 98, 22, 99, 23, 100}, "Restrain from Melee", true)),//18 EAGLE EYE(new Summons(70088, 44, 605, -1, 19, 4, new int[][] {3, 601, 11, 603}, "Eagle Eye", true)),//19 MYSTIC MIGHT(new Summons(70090, 45, 606, -1, 20, 4, new int[][] {4, 602, 12, 604}, "Soothsayer Vigor", true)),//20 Opponent(new Summons(2171, 46, 98, 3, 21, 1, new int[][] {16, 95, 17, 96, 18, 97, 22, 99, 23, 100}, "Opponent", true)),//21 REDEMPTION(new Summons(2172, 49, 99, 5, 22, 2, new int[][] {16, 95, 17, 96, 18, 97, 21, 98, 23, 100}, "Redemption", true)),//22 Cut(new Summons(2173, 52, 100, 4, 23, 6, new int[][] {16, 95, 17, 96, 18, 97, 21, 98, 22, 99,}, "Cut", true)),//23 Courtesy(new Summons(70092, 60, 607, -1, 24, 8, new int[][] {0, 83, 1, 84, 2, 85, 5, 86, 6, 87, 7, 88, 13, 92, 25, 608}, "Courtesy", true)),//24 Holiness(new Summons(70094, 70, 608, -1, 25, 8, new int[][] {0, 83, 1, 84, 2, 85, 5, 86, 6, 87, 7, 88, 13, 92, 24, 607}, "Holiness", true)),//25 /** * Irritation prayers */ PROTECT ITEM2(new Summons(87231, 50, 610, -1, 0, 0.6, 12567, 2213, new int[][] , "Restrain Business", faithless)), //0 SAP WARRIOR(new Summons(87233, 50, 611, -1, 1, 2, new int[][] {10, 620,
, 629}}, "Sap Competitor", faithless)), //1 SAP RANGED(new Summons(87235, 52, 612, -1, 2, 2, new int[][] {11, 621,
, 629}}, "Sap Ranged", faithless)), //2 SAP MAGE(new Summons(87237, 54, 613, -1, 3, 2, new int[][] {12, 622,
, 629}}, "Sap Mage", faithless)), //3 SAP SPIRIT(new Summons(87239, 56, 614, -1, 4, 2, new int[][] {16, 626,
, 629}}, "Sap Spirit", faithless)), //4 BERSERKER(new Summons(87241, 59, 615, -1, 5, 1, 12589, 2266, new int[][] , "Berserker", faithless)), // 5 DEFLECT SUMMONING(new Summons(87243, 62, 616, 12, 6, 4, new int[][] {7, 617, 8, 618, 9, 619, 17, 627, 18, 628}, "Evade Summoning", faithless)),//6 DEFLECT MAGIC(new Summons(87245, 65, 617, 10, 7, 4, new int[][] {6, 616, 8, 618, 9, 619, 17, 627, 18, 628}, "Restrain from Mystic", faithless)),//7 DEFLECT MISSILES(new Summons(87247, 68, 618, 11, 8, 4, new int[][] {6, 616, 7, 617, 9, 619, 17, 627, 18, 628}, "Restrain from Missiles", faithless)),//8 DEFLECT MELEE(new Summons(87249, 71, 619, 9, 9, 4, new int[][] {6, 616, 7, 617, 8, 618, 17, 627, 18, 628}, "Restrain from Melee", faithless)),//9 LEECH ATTACK(new Summons(87251, 74, 620, -1, 10, 4, new int[][] {1, 611,
, 629}}, "Scrounger Leap", faithless)),//10 LEECH RANGED(new Summons(87253, 76, 621, -1, 11, 4, new int[][] {2, 612,
, 629}}, "Scrounger Ranged", faithless)),//11 LEECH MAGIC(new Summons(87255, 78, 622, -1, 12, 4, new int[][] {3, 613,
, 629}}, "Scrounger Mystic", faithless)),//12 LEECH DEFENCE(new Summons(88001, 80, 623, -1, 13, 4, new int[][]
, 629}, "Scrounger Defence", faithless)),//13 LEECH STRENGTH(new Summons(88003, 82, 624, -1, 14, 4, new int[][]
, 629}, "Scrounger Soundness", faithless)),//14 LEECH ENERGY(new Summons(88005, 84, 625, -1, 15, 4, new int[][]
, 629}, "Scrounger Strength", faithless)),//15 LEECH SPECIAL ATTACK(new Summons(88007, 86, 626, -1, 16, 4, new int[][] {4, 614,
, 629}}, "Scrounger Limitation Leap", faithless)),//16 Ire(new Summons(88009, 89, 627, 16, 17, 4, new int[][] {6, 616, 7, 617, 8, 618, 9, 619, 18, 628}, "Ire", faithless)),//17 SOUL SPLIT(new Summons(88011, 92, 628, 17, 18, 8, new int[][] {6, 616, 7, 617, 8, 618, 9, 619, 17, 627}, "Consciousness Relax", faithless)),//18 Flurry(new Summons(88013, 95, 629, -1, 19, 10, 12565, 2226, new int[][] {1, 611, 2, 612, 3, 613, 4, 614, 10, 620, 11, 621, 12, 622, 13, 623, 14, 624, 15, 625, 16, 626}, "Flurry", faithless)); //19 /** * Major @link Prayer. */ all-embracing Summons p; /** * Constructing the enumerator. * @param p - prayer */ Prayers(unconditional Summons p) { this.p = p; } /** * Attainment the prayer from the enumerator. * @return - prayer */ collective Summons getPrayer() { return p; } }}
ClickingButtons: Code:
if (PrayerLogic.isPrayer(actionButtonId)) { PrayerLogic.onPrayerClick(c, actionButtonId); return; }
For prayer togged up in you can preserve your hurry procedure or use everything different this: to insult describing to improvements of the mishmash. Any bugs you find you can post and I'll fix them.