Monday, June 2, 2008

Journeying Where Shamanism And Psychology Meet

Journeying Where Shamanism And Psychology Meet Cover

Book: Journeying Where Shamanism And Psychology Meet by Jeannette Marie Gagan

If you have ever been curious about shamanism and the process of journeying, this book is for you. If you have never heard of shamanism and the process of journeying, this book is the place to start.

Dr. Gagan has written a powerful book exploring the worlds of shamanism and psychology and the bridges between them. The shamanic tradition dates back at least 30,000 years. Like psychology, its intent is to heal and alleviate suffering. Unlike psychology, shamanism focuses on the soul of the individual. Its primary method is through the process of journeying.

As Dr. Gagan explains, the shamanic journey is a process of archetypal reconnection. During journeying, the imagery that springs from the unconscious connects us to nature and the natural order of the universe. The journey itself acts as an alchemical container where we can come to know these images. We journey "in repsonse to a source of healing that appears to beckon from outside ourselves. We connect to this source not through the aid of some guru or cleric, but rather under the power of our own intent." Through the author's eyes, the process is dynamically self-empowering.

Jeannette Gagan's Journeying is a must-read for those who are interested in shamanism but have been turned off by fuzzy-headed mystical claims or sloppy exposition. In this well-written and eminently useful manual, shamanism, "perhaps the oldest form of practical Spirituality in the world," is explained in a straightforward, scholarly manner by a respected licensed psychologist. Gagan succinctly summarizes the procedures, philosophies, and purposes of modern psychology, illuminating the common areas occupied between the two. She builds a strong case for the Introduction of shamanistic journeying into the retinue of healing modalities for the modern psychotherapist. For those intent on healing the psyches of themselves or others, shamanism may well work where other modalities have failed. For example, long-repressed anger can be processed while journeying without fear of upsetting the neighbors, or one day awakening to the horrible realization that you just kicked the dog.

The book analyzes in depth many case studies where we can see the art of journeying at work. Dr. Gagan's comprehensive experience in both psychology and shamanism show clearly. She is a master on this topic.

Buy Jeannette Marie Gagan's book: Journeying Where Shamanism And Psychology Meet

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