Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Hoodoo Truth We Dont Do Spells

The Hoodoo Truth We Dont Do Spells
This is a area that I find lighthearted effortlessly so I too crazy-quilt up and use the paragraph "spells". In hoodoo/rootwork/conjure, we don't use the paragraph "spells". Of course the intent original is so we don't view the practice as "witchcraft". Witches cast spells. We use the ancient, proper definition of the word witch, meaning a reputation who uses excessive, black magic adjoining innocents. So for hoodoo folk, we use the lexis works, jobs, fixes, magical, or remedies. Sometimes we use the paragraph "chores", truly if it's something that we consistently do, such as feat a cleansing after a week. Again, don't chime bad if as a new practitioner you say it deficient thinking so as I positive on top of, I too crazy-quilt up and use it. In fact, I'm guessing that I've I imagine hand-me-down it in heap blogs I've written on the area of hoodoo.
