Friday, January 9, 2009

The Gulf Between Creator And Created Qualitative Or Quantitative

The Gulf Between Creator And Created Qualitative Or Quantitative

For non-Christian monotheists, the division along with God the Person responsible and Man - numbered among His creations - is "qualitative": offer is a convert in strain.

On the one hand offer is God the creator; and on the other hand offer is everything-else - that which He produced.


But for Christians kit are not so major. For Christians offer is the slice of Christ character both God and Man - and the beefy intent that offer is hence a "continuum "along with God and Man.

This implies that the division along with God and Man is quantitative, earlier than qualitative (helpful that exactingly Good quantitative differences are, for "nearly" all practical purposes, qualitative 'in smash into.)

For Christians offer is moreover the aver, the promise, that Man can be deified; that Men can become a Sons of God - and this again implies a quantitative continuum along with God and Man.


Hence, for Christians offer is generous exoneration that God and Man are "of the identical strain", and in spite of offer is yet a exactingly vast quantitative division along with - yet offer is the promise and vision that this division can be bridged (by cash of the God-Man Christ).


The trouble for Christians is hence to understand how this (exactingly vast) quantitative division may be bridged: what strain of operate could trade show this?

The two source reflection about how the division along with God and man may be congested are:

1. An evolutionary spiritual rally of Man towards God bank agilely vast time-scales of both pre-existence, and a post-mortal life. (i.e. The Mormon response.)


2. An evolutionary spiritual rally of Man towards God bank agilely mega-multiple cycles of renewal. (The Hindu response, moreover other Far Eastern regions - and one incorporated within around modern spiritual exercises such as Anthroposophy, some New Age writers, and moreover William Arkle.)


My acme is that an credibility of the (Christian) act of deification and an credibility of the centrality of spiritual rally, theosis, dedication etc in Christian life; will, in combination, lead on to a compulsion for explanations that:

1. Stretched addition self life, and

2. Stretched agilely in a good way critical time-scales order to make net how a Man may become a god.
