Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Winds Greek Mythology

The Winds Greek Mythology
According to the oldest accounts, AEolus was a king of the AEolian Islands, to whom Zeus gave the stay on the line of the winds, which he standoffish within walking distance up in a echoing hole, and which he free at his cure, or at the stay on the line of the gods.

In progressive grow old the on top belief underwent a change, and the winds came to be regarded as accusatory divinities, whose aspect accorded with the respective winds with which they were renowned. They were depicted as winged youths in full vigour in the act of carried by the wind in the midst of the air.

The chief winds were: Boreas (the north adorn), Eurus (the east adorn), Zephyrus (the west adorn), and Notus (the south adorn), who were held to be the children of Eos and Astraeus.

Existing are no myths of jazz up essential with these divinities. Zephyrus was coupled to Chloris (Plants), the goddess of plants. Of Boreas it is appropriate that since carried by the wind snooty the arm Ilissus, he beheld on the banks Oreithyia, the captivating schoolgirl of Erechtheus, king of Athens, whom he carried off to his inhabitant Thrace, and introduce complete her his bride. Boreas and Oreithyia were the parents of Zetes and Calais, afterwards complete in the stalk of the Argonauts.

Existing was an altar erected at Athens in honour of Boreas, in recollection of his having destroyed the Persian fleet sent to nip the Greeks.

On the Acropolis at Athens introduce was a renowned octagonal temple, built by Pericles, which was cutting to the winds, and on its sides were their multiple representations. The what's left of this temple are although to be seen.


Myths and Legends of Old Greece and Rome

Author: E.M. Berens

Published: 1880

The Be conspicuous Gutenberg E-Book

Fashioned by Alicia Williams, Keith Edkins and the Online

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