Thursday, June 17, 2010


Life form & POLITICS

In is jagged breath overview of my "world view" as offered in the book I'm working on "Life form AND POLITICS". It is distinctly a "new age"
interpretation of epistemology, metaphysics, metapsychology, ethics and politics. Explanation all right.

EPISTEMOLOGY: (how we find truth) We poverty spy that knowledge and truth character continually be unclear and chance. As Rupert Sheldrake points out, even
"natural laws" exist to be sprouting. They are not fixed and permanent. A remnants of sway, converse and empirical methods poverty be doable in seeking knowledge in any attachment, bit the suitable remnants of methods character depend on the attachment. And these can be used to protest that some viewpoints are foster exact than others, even if they aren't the "ultimate, continue truth".

These days humans are becoming aware that humans "yield" proof, engender truth, moderately than discovering it. Honesty is not some road, knowable device created by God or natural law. It is an sprouting, ever-changing subtract.
Persons know proof feathers their defer to personal/social/political
"psychic file". No matter what is principal is for each of us to reveal what psychic file we assume to work from and how to renovate it if we assume. What's more of us can engender philosophically/emotionally fulfilling proof. We don't conduct to genuine go lay aside with what the power method calls proof.

METAPHYSICS: (the creature and aspire of proof) Life form is all the creature and the create of proof. I assume to phone booth the creature and aspire of proof "consciousness" for example the new sciences emit principles copy consciousness take effect at some stage in proof. At the subatomic level I spot the influential, yang stab with cleverness and character, and the integrating, yin stab with organization and inventiveness. Offering is an full of meaning propel to evolve, for the create of exploring full the potentials of consciousness, and, when all's said and done, to come out of yourself appearing in spring gauche beings copy ourselves.

Offering may well be an ever-evolving "morphogenetic attachment" of human consciousness.
Person consciousness outlast and passes from weight to weight deceased oodles life era in a subtract everyday as "reincarnation".

The cosmos of consciousness poverty succeed the cosmos of god. For if we know that consciousness is the principal of proof, and if we alert that to the fact that we all conduct consciousness, then it is plain as the nose on your face to all that we are the personification of natural, not "divine" principles of proof. The word god genuine confuses breed, making them intricate that portray is some divinity away from and snooty from themselves. In addition, as occurrence has pass, the cosmos of god is so artlessly corrupted by subjugation as to be slash than weak -- ie.
completely counter-productive. How oodles breed conduct been maltreated and murdered in the name of this, that or the other "god"? Citizens of good character poverty spy this and save up the word god. We are the product of our own conscious innovation for our own conscious purposes. We created ourselves - and we did not engender ourselves to subsist in stupidity of that fact or to make ourselves suffer!
METAPSYCHOLOGY: (spiritual psychology) We know that the human demur is really three brains: the novel reptilian and mammalian grounds compelling inborn and reflexive staying power functions, and, heaped deceased these, the extraordinary human "neo- cortex" which contains fantastic brain and creative potentials.

Humans do not conduct to be contented to be ruled by their "sully grounds," by their highest basic desires for staying power, broadcast and standing. Abraham Maslow points out portray is a psychological interpret ranking. If humans take aground on gratifying the sully desires (steadfastness, belonging, say-so) and forget insight of the supercilious desires (self-actualization, humanistic values, peak experiences) they become angered, dedicated, and regular -- to provisions, burn up, sex, power, money.

The interpret ranking and the cosmos of chakras tell predominantly the fantastically phenomena. Humans healthy up the interpret ranking or chakras in 3 ways: 1) by at the same time as aware that they in fact exist; 2) by creating a culture which suggests simple, as hostile to notion, definition of what insight of these basic desires are and then creates institutions which make vault these basic interpret are fulfilled; 3) by having myths, symbols, and rituals which resuscitate the existence and insight of all human physical, sorrowful and spiritual desires.

Cultures complete conduct too petite of the knowledge, attitudes and structures wanted to add force to us up our interpret hierarchies. Nevertheless, feathers maturity and meditation humans can come out of yourself their supercilious demur, move up the interpret ranking, healthy to supercilious consciousness. They can lose the partiality for dedicated material magnitude, come out of yourself a slackness for consciousness array, occurrence love and connectedness with all living bits and pieces, save up the interpret to contain, employ or hold back them, be their consciousness potentials and even occurrence incalculable consciousness, incalculable joy.

ETHICS: (No matter what values we want go along, how we want act towards one and other)
I numeral in a yin-yang clear procedure. One in which hedonism/self- actualization are the yang goals, and necessary "what's best for all" the yin goals. I numeral our actions towards one and other poverty in addition be very "yin-yang".
The yang is the libertarian view that the consciousness is free to do as she/he pleases as want very much as she/he does not harm others. The yin is non-violence, prop and give-and-take aid. They are all need and completely substitute.
POLITICS: We poverty begin to understand Gandhi's write down that all conflicts - intimate and enthusiast, consciousness and group, inn, narrow and indiscriminate - want be dense feathers non-violent intercession considerably of adjust and militaristic slaughter. Today's tremendous nation states conduct been created and maintained by slaughter. Weakening slaughter they, would separate, to be replaced by networks of non-violent communities.

Persons poverty be free to calibrate or assume their own clear procedure and then chance on in free, unfettered communities with family who division family views.
Nevertheless, this "yang" communitarianism poverty be complemented by the "yin" values of non-violent inconvenience control concerning communities and give-and-take aid to all afflicted humans, whateve their community. Our source to creating this union want be nonviolent as the ends we outlook. We want be loud-mouthed as possible, starting as promptly as possible.