British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) has covered Islam not only in British context but also on European and global spectram. Here are few of their sites and resources dedicated to Islam, Muslims, interviews with westerners who converted to Islam and much more.
Islam and the West Explore the issues, hear views of world leaders and experts and see how they have answered your questions. Overview: Bridging the Divide
American women and Islam Since the destruction of the twin towers there's been a keen interest in America in the study of Islam, copies of the Koran are said to be flying out of book shops and significant numbers of Americans, particularly women, are said to be converting to the faith.
Sam Hardie met a group of converts in San Francisco to find out more. [listen to audio]
Women in The Nation of Islam The Nation of Islam, an import from the USA, is an organisation that preaches self-reliance for black people within an Islamic framework. [listen to audio]
Women converting to Islam There is evidence that Islam is drawing converts in the West and followers are becoming more protective of their faith since the London bombings in July. Jenni is joined by Zia Sardar, writer and broadcaster, Batool al Toma, a convert who runs the New Muslims Project in Leicester, and Rebecca Masterton, who converted in 1999. [listen to audio]
A day at the Mosque What does it mean to be Muslim - and what happens at mosques?
Islamophobia 'explosion' in UK History of Islamic Spain Islam Resource page
Muslims in Europe Islam's Furthest Frontier more search in bbc on islam
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