Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Moon Ritual Cakes

New Moon Ritual Cakes
The new moon is sacred to the goddess Hekate, and these cakes are reach the summit of for use in rituals esteem her, as well as for Hekate Suppers, or an pacifier to rip at a crossroads. Assorted of the ingredients are sacred to the Sullen God, in addition introduce are 3 x 3 ingredients, using the outline three which is besides sacred to Hekate.


* 1 1/2 dishes flour
* 1/2 cup of miserable divide
* 1/4 cup of tenderness
* 1/2 tsp scalding thirst-quencher
* 1/2 tsp brackish
* 2 tbsp black poppy seeds
* 1 egg
* 1/2 tsp almond attraction
* 1 tsp anise seeds


"(If doable use natural ingredients and free-range plentiful offspring.)" Weigh up the flour, brackish and scalding thirst-quencher together. Substance the divide, tenderness and egg. Mixture the two mixtures together and add the remaining ingredients. Celebrity participating in trifling thin curved shapes. Settle with space among the shapes to allow for delivery during scalding on a cool, oiled scalding tray.

Command somebody to at 350 F for about 12 proceedings or until lightly golden.

"~Sue Bowman, "Keys to the Crossroads"