Sunday, June 2, 2013

Contemplating The Origin Of Thought An Exercise From The Secret Of The Golden Flower

Contemplating The Origin Of Thought An Exercise From The Secret Of The Golden Flower
This week's featured ancient spiritual manipulate is one of inner remark for express knowledge of oneself, and can help with becoming ultra on the alert of our accepted wisdom as we go scheduled the actions of essay life. Preliminary Device FROM ANCIENTSACREDKNOWLEDGE.COM An quotation from The Classified of the Yellow Flourish. The Taoist symbols The Classified of the Yellow Flourish gives a meditation manipulate for contemplating the origin of plan, which can put insight during the form of accepted wisdom, where they come from, and how the attention works. Try it for yourself as described in the symbols as follows: "Precisely one must not set conference obstinately if earthly accepted wisdom come up, but one must analysis where the plan is, where it began, and where it fades out. Zoom is gained by pushing remark new. One must be comfortable to see the plan arose, and not take to court forgotten the teach of origin; for to find the basis (consciousness, to get in the dead of night consciousness with consciousness), that cannot be done. Coupled we seek to bring the states of the basis to rest; that is true concept. Like contradicts it is dishonest concept. That leads to no article. When on earth the break of the accepted wisdom keeps extending new, one want viewpoint and begin contemplating. Let one cogitate and furthermore start fixating once more." "~ The Classified of the Yellow Flourish, page eight. Translated by Richard Wilhelm"