As lay jubilation is all about celebrating the jubilation of belonging to your lay, we've created some themed artwork for you to display on your Facebook or Warble review if you incorporate one. We incorporate besides organised some polls and bubbles for you to exhibit, and we'll be sector some of the invincible house-themed fan art from the Pottermore Galleries.
But it's besides down to you to make this celebration great: Piece your tweets with the hashtag #RavenclawPride and we bestow Retweet our favorites and model them in attendance on the Insider!
Ravenclaw Warble and Facebook conceal images
If you're successful to be a Ravenclaw, you can vet it by displaying these pretty themed conceal images on your dossier and sector your lay jubilation with your friends and followers.
Ravenclaw Trivia:
1. Which Ravenclaw fantastic Floo Powder?
2. Which make of broomstick does Ravenclaw Cho Chang fly?
3. Who was the if at all possible novice to be to be found in Ravenclaw in Plague Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?
You can explanation on our Facebook page or on Warble using the hashtag #RavenclawPride
Fan art
We incorporate reliable some of our favourite Ravenclaw fan art. You can collapse your drawings on any time by clicking on petit mal a draw pictures at the bottom of the page in a Stage next to this one. We view go by to signal yours!
Movie uploaded by GhiaccioLupo8817
Movie uploaded by KeyAuror34
Movie uploaded by WildFang28282
Movie uploaded by RuneWillow22526
Top users in the third Pottermore Apartment Cup
As a lay, Ravenclaws are obsessive and intelligent, but offering are some users who essentially good point a state for their act in the carry on Pottermore Apartment Cup. To observe their act, and give somebody their cards other Ravenclaws to care for working difficult, we've losing the top 20 users from Ravenclaw with the foremost lay points below.
1. EYEPHOENIX22489 - 309,413 points2. RIVERNIMBUS11252 - 285,225 points3. HAWTHORNHAZEL29159 - 230,201 points4. DRACONISFLIGHT2237 - 146,470 points5. MOONSTONESTORM8 - 140,804 points6. SEERMARAUDER2363 - 138,300 points7. LEVIOSADUST31467 - 132,095 points8. ASPHODELWITCH164 - 125,855 points9. MOONSUN18117 - 123,275 points10. RIVERQUILL23 - 115,886 points11. MAGICSUN31447 - 111,891 points12. MAGICKNIGHT29747 - 111,835 points13. QUESTDREAM11240 - 110,200 points14. FLIGHTNIGHT1468 - 108,508 points15. LEVIOSARUNE1529 - 192,200 points16. POTIONLUMOS382 - 181,171 points17. ELMHOLLY29825 - 77,833 points18. WATCHPOURPRE22644 - 77,777 points19. NIGHTDUST17247 - 76,351 points20. 'ETINCELLESGLACE1845 - 74,355 points
Piece your lay jubilation with others
"Bragging to be high-pitched and strange"
Get together with your guy lay members in your fashionable room to find matching lay jubilation enthusiasts. You can besides adherence on our Facebook page or obtain in Warble conversations with the minute hashtags: